"It is very nice to meet all of you." She added with a polite curtsey. Many dinosaurs cocked their head in response to the odd gesture, with several trying to mimic it on their own. Louis the velociraptor, in particular, had difficulty in it, as he tripped over himself and landed on Hopper's foot.

"You're right, sir; she really is a sight to behold." Taurus remarked as he took his place back beside his brother. Eira and Giant only smirked at one another.

"That said, I'm not sure if I understand what the fuss was over. No offense, miss." Hopper added.

"What better expansion is there than of the mind, eh Hopper? It's not every day you see a creature you never have before."

"I suppose not." The allosaurus replied under his breath.

"Now then, take a break everyone; I'd care to share a moment to catch up with my friend here." Giant announced to the others, but not before eyeing Blade again suspiciously as he passed by. They waited for the mob to disappear into the brush before Eira walked up toward him.

"You lead all of them?"

"For the most part, yes. A few are obligated to servitude for the time being, others might be stragglers, however. But the majority follow me out of their own free will. Now, about that story you promised me."

"Where to begin..." She sighed.

"Hmm...don't stress about it too much, my dear. We have all the time in the world, but, I can't help but inquire about your experience with Blade."

"Oh. Of course. Well, um...I-I was simply drinking for a river, and I...uhm...I swear he was the one to snap at me. He killed Christian."


"Oh. Bernard's horse. He was the animal I rode back to the forest on. He helped me escape from...some wicked men."

"Well, I'm very sorry to hear that, and of your loss. Though I'm glad you're back here, safe and sound."

"So I ran, and I hid, and he was with three other beings with him." Giant knew of course she was referring to Crunch, Crash, and Rampage as he listened closely. "And before I knew it, there were even more, and they were fighting."

"I see. Rex is his name, I believe. One should be wary to steer clear of him. But please, don't let me interrupt anymore." The girl looked up to Giant, a bit confused. Rex? It seemed to her as if he were protecting her from Blade and his gang, but it seemed to go so fast, she wasn't too sure. The thought passed.

"That's it. I ran as soon as I could. And I met Finn just after."

"You as well? I just had a colleague of mine utter his name not too long ago. I must be the only one around here to not to have seen him."

"He said the same thing of you." Eira giggled.

"How is my old friend? More importantly, where is he?"

"I'm not sure where he went. I um, ran off when I thought I saw another Green Folk in the woods."

"I'm certain he's around here somewhere." Giant began as he looked around. "Wait, you say you saw another of your kind here?"

"I wish I had." She replied solemnly. "I don't know how to describe it. A Rusalka, she called herself. A witch perhaps? She lives in the water."

"Interesting..." Giant hummed, before letting out a slight chuckle. "Well you certainly don't disappoint me with your stories, Eira. I'll have to have a word with Blade when I see him next." Their conversation didn't last much longer after that, when another massive dinosaur emerged from the water's depths and scrambled over toward them.

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