Chocolate Eyes

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Once emerged from the shower, Anne smelled like lavender. She glanced towards the clock that read five o'clock. She still had an hour till she had to be at the Potter's. She quickly did her makeup, light and natural. Then put on a simple deep teal silk slip and over, a white knit cardigan that ended at her hips and had large brown buttons. She brushed her hair back into a low ponytail leaving some strands free at the front. Anne donned her grandmother's small gold hoops and a delicate gold chain, and slipped on a pair of brown and white snakeskin round block toe pumps before putting on her wire glasses. She quickly ate some of the leftover chow mein from last night's dinner, brushed her teeth and got ready to apparate at 5:56pm on the dot. Anne was always on time, it was something that was drilled into her at Hogwarts by her teachers and something she had kept with her in the sixteen years since she'd graduated.

Anne took out the address, a house in Godric's Hollow. She wondered if Harry had rebuilt his family home, although she doubted it, who would want to live where such a tragedy had occurred. She focused her energy and in a snap she was standing in front of a house. She knew immediately it wasn't the house, not that fateful house where James and Lily had died all those years ago which relieved her. Anne didn't think she'd be able to be in that house, too much death, too much history, too much evil. This one was a pretty Victorian house, made of brown brick with white trim. The garden was overgrown with magical flowers and tall grass with a small stone path slithering from the iron gateway up to the crimson front door. She could hear music sounding and even laughter from all the way on the sidewalk.

Anne wasn't sure why she was so nervous. She worked with these people, and casually she may even say they were friends. But she had never been to any of their houses before, and certainly not Harry Potter's house. She realized she was stalling and probably looked very strange just standing and staring at the house when-

"Can't get through the forcefield?" A voice said from behind her.

She spun around to see a tall slim man with violently ginger hair and an array of freckles covering his face who looked like he was trying not to laugh. He wore a dark green wool sweater, with a white shirt collar peeking out, brown tweed trousers, and vintage adidas with three red stripes, a youthful choice for a man in his early 40s.

"No, I was just admiring the garden" she lied. She knew he looked familiar, judging by the colour of his hair and their location she guessed he was one of the Weasleys.

"Ah," he said, clearly not convinced. "Well I am going in so if you wouldn't mind," he gestured for her to move from blocking the gate, "or," he said with a mischievous smile "we could both go in."

Anne didn't want him to get the better of her with his stupid grin and even stupider deep brown eyes that swirled like pools of chocolate.

She turned and walked through the gate ahead of them silently thanking any greater power that he had been joking about the forcefield. Anne assumed Harry would have said something but glad of her luck all the same. She didn't think she could've recovered if this had been the moment she walked face first into a forcefield. He followed her up to the half open door and this time she didn't stall or pause, she just walked right on in.

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