An Invitation

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 Once all the students had left Anne relaxed into her chair, leaning back to look at the little paper birds that seemed to float above her yet held by the string. "See," she told herself, "that wasn't too hard, just two more to go." The next bell rang and the sixth years filed in for her next class. Anne taught three classes on Monday, all back to back. First the fourth years, then the sixth years, then the fifth years. Both classes went by easily that afternoon.

The sixth years had all gotten very invested in muggle mythology and requested for the term's work to be altered to cover ancient Roman and Greek myths. Anne happily obliged by shortening the segment of classes on American poets to make room to cover myths.

During her fifth year's class she got into quite a heated discussion with a Gryffindor who was convinced Julius Caesar had been Prime Minister of Canada. Eventually, the student was convinced that the late Emperor of Rome was not a leader of Canada. It was funny moments like these that made Anne love teaching.

At the end of their class the fifth years left the room boisterously and left Anne to some well deserved silence. She thought she'd head home now to get a good night's rest. Anne took her navy cloak off the hook and buttoned it up. She tossed some class planning papers into her leather messenger bag and put the t-shirt that said "I <3 NYC'' into her corduroy tote bag. It had been given to her by a sixth year who went to New York, who had said, "it felt like the most muggle thing I could find and I'd thought you'd like it." She did indeed like it, rather she loved it. It was pretty cheesy but thoughtful. Anne was a muggleborn and growing up in the muggle world until age eleven left her with a fondness for things that reminded her so glaringly of that world.

Grabbing her thermos filled with, by now, old coffee, she headed out the door of her classroom, locking it behind her. Even though it was a bit past four and most students would be back in their common rooms or the library now that the day's classes were over, she found Albus and Scorpius hanging about outside her classroom. She nodded to them as she moved past.

"Uh, excuse me Professor Whittlethorn," said Albus.

She turned to look at him, "yes?"

"Can we borrow some comics, we forgot in class."

Anne rather'd be on her way but she nodded and unlocked the classroom for them. "Please make this quick, boys," she said.

They nodded and scurried into the classroom and towards the bookcases. A few moments later emerging with a stack each of comic books.

"Thanks so much, professor," Albus said.

"No problem, and remember to take care of them so future students can enjoy them too."

They both nodded and Albus walked down the corridor, turning back when he realized Scorpius had hung back.

"Professor, please don't mention this to my dad. He's not the biggest fan of this class and I don't think he'd like that I like this class" Scorpius said, his dark eyes rather sad looking.

Anne mimed locking her lips and throwing away the key.

"Thanks," he said.

She watched as he ran back to his friend and both disappeared around the corner.

She turned the other way and walked down the corridor that led to the centre of the castle and the many ever changing stairs. It took her twice as long as usual to reach the first floor. She never liked the switching stairs and wished they'd put in some sort of magical elevator like at the Ministry. The doors to the Great Hall were opened wide and she could see the many students working away on the first day of school homework.

Anne turned away and walked out the grand doors into the courtyard. To get home she had to walk across the courtyard and the bridge to reach the barrier of Hogwarts and from there she could apparate into her flat in London. When she was halfway across the courtyard she heard a voice calling her name not, Professor Whittlethron but Anne. She turned and to see Harry Potter running towards her. His black cloak flowing behind him and his equally black hair looking quite unkempt. She didn't know him that well due to their age difference and since they didn't go to school together. But he was always very friendly to her and went on about how much Albus enjoyed her classes. She knew that he had turned down the role as Head of Gryffindor and that's why it was offered to her. She was quite thankful he had turned it down and it had gone to her but a bit jealous she had been the second choice. Yet the rational part of her understood why. He was the Harry Potter, though he never acted like it. She saw he recognized what he meant to people but never let it go to his head, something Albus must have inherited. Eventually, he caught up to her and was surprisingly not out of breath after that sprint.

"I wanted to catch you before you left. Neville and I are hosting a small get together with some of our friends and a few teachers to celebrate the start of school tonight. We'd love it if you came." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a small note and handed it to her. "Here's my address and it starts at six."

She nodded and after a short consideration said, "thanks, I'll be there."

He smiled and gave her arm a friendly pat and said "see you at six" before turning back towards the castle.

"Wait," she called after him.

He turned back around.

"I mean is it fancy or something, the party?"

He laughed "I don't think but I think Neville wanted it to be nice so I guess no pyjamas."

She laughed and with a small smile on her face and continued walking towards the bridge. She crossed over it and apparated once she was safe over the boundary into her flat. Her only thought, once she appeared in her home, was that she would have to shower.

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