011 | jay returns

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:: JAY

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:: JAY

I dragged my feets through the hallways on my way back outside again. My steps are walking in slow motion since I'm paying more attention to my mind than my feets. I keep recalling what just happened a minute ago with Leader Naru. The scene of me ripping off the page of Hujiang from my soldiers notebook can't leave my brain.

Why am I both overreacting and overthinking so much? Just because something has to be related to Aeji does it somehow automatically end up in my long-term memory. I have met Aeji once and it happened really recently but she's everything I can think about.

I wonder if Aeji also thinks about me in the same way I think about her..

I arrived outside again and continued my way back towards Jun who was still sitting underneath the three where I left him. Jun noticed my presence and looked at me like a question mark meanwhile I scratched my neck as I keep walking towards him.

"Can I please have an explanation why you suddenly started to run away like there was someone who chased you?" Jun asked with a chuckle while I sat down beside him.

"Just remembered I had something I wanted to tell Leader Naru before he will leave" I answered and chuckled along with him.

"I guess it must have been something very important you needed to tell him based on your reaction" Jun replied.

Something important I needed to tell Leader Naru? I guess you can say it was some sort of important information I needed to tell him..

"You haven't told me any more information about the girl you have in your mind" Jun suddenly said while smirking and poking my arm with his elbow.

"Maybe because I don't have so much information about her either" I replied.

"But you know what she looks like, maybe her name too" Jun replied.

"Aeji.. Her name is Aeji. Maybe a half head shorter than me, short brown hair down to the shoulders. Is that enough information for you?" I responded and let out a small chuckle under the last sentence.

"Is enough information for me to know that you like that girl, that's for sure" Jun said and smirked again.

"First of all, I don't like Aeji. Second, even if I would like Aeji it would end up being a one-sided love since I'm pretty sure she's not into firebenders or someone from the Fire Nation in general" I responded.

"But when you meet Aeji again, then you're going to make her drool over you just like every single girl in this world. Aeji is going to be like omg Prince Jay.. You're so handsome when you hate the world or something like that" Jun said while showing me an acting scene of him as Aeji.

I couldn't help but just laugh at his silliness. But now when I'm thinking about it, thinking about if me and Aeji ever get the chance to meet again.. It's not impossible. I can easily fly over to Hujiang with one of our Air balloons so technically it's not impossible for us to meet again..

Not gonna lie, I miss being in Earth Kingdom because of the freedom I felt while being there. During the time I spent there I could clear out my mind from all the stress and pressure I'm constantly building up while I'm spending time at the Fire Nation. As soon as I went back here I could feel tons of weight being placed down on my shoulders again.

Maybe I should go back to Earth Kingdom.. But not as Fire Lord's Sejo's son Prince Jay, just as Jay..

"You know what? I'm going to take a little vacation to Earth Kingdom" I said while I stood up from my seat and started to walk back inside again.

"Are you serious? Why did you listen to me when I talked about how it's going to look like when you meet Aeji again?" Jun responded confused and quickly got up from the ground and caught up my speed so were walking beside each other.


My eyes slowly started to open up because my body decided I had enough sleep. I robbed my eyes and then sat up, realizing I'm not in my room. Or technically I am in my room but not in my bedroom at the Royal Palace, instead I'm in a room inside one of the air balloons.

Flashbacks from yesterday started to pop up in my mind. I did a very spontaneous decision last night which ended up here, in the forest of the northern Earth Kingdom. I can't believe I actually did that and either the fact that I'm here too.

I put on my clothes before walking out of the air balloon and towards Hujiang. I arrived in the middle of the night last night so hopefully did no one see me but if they did, they won't know that I belong to the Fire Nation. Usually whenever the Fire Nation arrives somewhere, we have this black type of rain that falls down from the sky as a sign that we're coming closer. But for this time, I chose my own private air balloon which is much smaller than the regular ones we use and also it doesn't have the Fire Nation logo on it so if anyone finds it, they won't know it belongs to the Fire Nation.

After a long couple of minutes of walking which made my legs dead and exhausted, I arrived in Hujiang. I put on my hood before I entered the small town and began walking through it. Kids were playing with each other, meanwhile some people had small talks while buying groceries or other things from each other. I don't think I have experienced something like this, seeing a town with this type of relationship because it seems like everyone knows each other so well no matter the age.

Suddenly I bumped into someone because I was paying more attention to my surroundings than my walk.

"I'm sorry" A girl's voice said.

I looked at her and found her a little bit familiar, I think she is Aeji's friend. I remembered that I saw a girl running towards Aeji and hugged her tightly while I was in the air balloon on my way back to the Fire Nation.

"Is there anything wrong?" She asked after I had been staring at her for a couple of seconds.

"Can I ask you something?.. And can we do it somewhere else where there's not so many people?" I replied.

She looked at me quite suspiciously for a few seconds until we started to walk somewhere with less people. We stopped walking when he had arrived outside a house that was placed in one of the corners of Hujiang.

A wind blowing suddenly passed by and it was strong enough to make my hood fall down from my head.

"Wait.. You're Prin..!" The girl said but I quickly covered her mouth with my hand before she would scream out my name.

"Be quiet!" I screamed-whispered back at her before I let go of her mouth.

"What are you doing here? Just because you have been here once doesn't it mean you can be here twice" She replied.

"I just want you to answer a question I have, and it's up to you if you want this to be quick or not.. Where is Aeji?" I asked.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think I'm going to tell you that?!" The girl responded.

"As I said, it's up to you if you want this to be quick or not.." I said with a chuckle.

I quickly grabbed her shirt and lifted her up from the ground while I created fire in the other and held it close to her face.

"Just tell me where Aeji is and this is going to be over for the both of us" I added.

"She's not here, She left Hujiang the day before yesterday" The girl immediately responded.

"Please be a little bit more specific" I replied while I moved the fire closer to her.

"Aeji is in Ba Sing Se.." The girl said and signed afterwards.

I nodded while I let go of her shirt, making her trip a little when her feets reached the ground again. So Aeji is in Ba Sing Se right now..

i got summerbreak today which means that i will spend the upcoming 10 weeks of writing ff lmao

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