Fuck. Why did the bad feeling in my chest have to be right?

"Okay!" he said enthusiastically, taking a step back from me. "That's okay with you Uncle Ryan, right?"

Luckily, he was much too young to tell the difference between a real and a fake smile. "Go ahead," I said, ruffling his hair before him and Scout headed for the back door.

Circling back to my parents, I waited for them to start talking, but after moments ticked by without a word, the silence became too suffocating to not break myself.

"Did something happen within the last twenty-four hours?" I asked, voice low. I had to clench my hands at my sides to stop myself from fidgeting when they didn't immediately speak up. "Because if it did... you can tell me."

"Ryan," my mom started shakily, though couldn't seem to find the words to continue.

My entire body felt tense as I rounded the sofa and took a seat on the chair opposite them, rubbing my palms on my shorts. "Guys, what is it?" I asked once again, a roughness to the words as a sour taste of worry coated the back of my throat.

It was my dad who finally took the lead, clearing his throat. "The lawyer handling Liam and Thea's assets dropped by the house this morning."

"Here?" I flitted my eyes between them. "Why wouldn't he have stopped over at their house."

"It was Mr. Ferguson, so he likely figured we were all staying here."

I waited for him to elaborate, not-so-patiently tapping my foot in anticipation, and when he didn't, I was forced to push further. "And...? What did he have to say? I'm getting the feeling I clearly missed something, right?"

"Well," my dad said, looking over at my mom who was fidgeting nervously with her hands in her lap, "unbeknownst to us or Thea's family, it seems that Liam and Thea had put together a will after Bowen was born."

If I hadn't been wearing a hat, I would've driven my fingers through my hair, but I settled for gripping the brim of my hat tightly with both hands. "Okay," I said, letting that news sink in. "What does that mean? Shouldn't that suggest that things will be easier on us since they've already made the important decisions?"

"Theoretically, yes."

"What does that mean?" I asked, raising my voice slightly with frustration. "Sorry—" I shook my head. "—I just want to know what's going on and it's clear there's something more. So, what is it?"

Without saying anything, my mom reached out and grabbed my hand, lacing her fingers through mine. "It's Bowen."

Those two words had my heart sinking to my toes. Or at least it felt like it; the most disastrous free fall imaginable.

"What about Bowen?" I asked, my words thick with concern.

"You were listed as his legal guardian."

I was speechless as those words replayed in my head. Over and over again. Legal guardian. I was Bowen's legal guardian. My disbelief was consuming me, and I continued to stare at my parents with a dazed look on my face until I felt my mother squeeze my hand in support.

"W-what?" I muttered, trying to shake off the shock. "Me?"

My dad nodded slowly. "According to the will, both Liam and Thea had signed off that in the event that something happened to the both of them—" He gulped down the pain attached to those words. "—you would become Bowen's legal guardian. He's yours."


It was a miracle I was able to function through dinner. My dad ended up heating up a lasagna one of the neighbours had brought over a few days back, and while I managed to appear as though I was functioning normally for Bowen's sake, inside, I was spiralling.

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