Did he really dont hear it or just want to hear it again?

"I said I like you. Hyunjin." This time I told him without any shame.

He look at me for a few second and he..

"Hhahahahahaahahhahahaahhaahhaahaha!!!!" Burst into laugh.

"Jun bi yah, This is the hundreds times I've heard a love conffessions today. From juniors and a few of my classmates. And now you? Seriously?" He laughed while devouring his chips.

I rolled my eyes. Feeling ashamed. "I'm serious. I like you."

Hyunjin stop munching and look at me. He doesnt even reacted this time.

"Hyunjin, if you will.. can I make you my boyfriend." I said. Gather up all my strength saying that.

He once again burts into laughter. "Wait, what was your name again? Oh Jung Bao." He shakes his head, "you have a good sense of humor."

"Its Jun Bi." Irritated with how Hyunjin was so ignorant with me. What a dummy.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at me looking so pissed off. Feeling so much insulted right now.

He take his bag and was making his way of leaving but then he stopped. "I may be dummy, but look, this is how I deal with people like you." He turn his face and show his serious expressions while shoving his finger near my nose. Huh, feeling great?!

I dont understand what he means but sure, he has offended my feelings.

"Look at that tree, did you see the boy who was sitting there?"

He pointed out his finger toward my classmate, Seungmin. Yeah I saw him, and I hate him. why? Because everyone was so comfortable around him in my class. He even always gets praised from teacher.

I just nod. "What about him?" Annoyed with the fact that he knows Seungmin.

"He is so precious to me. If you touch him again, you and your friends will finish." He smirked at me.

How did he knows? Did Seungmin-

"I know what you guys did to Seungmin, I saw it with my own eyes. If teachers knows you'll be done" He said while walking away from there. Leaving me alone.

Who do you think you are Hyunjin?!

Seungmin again! Why is it always you, huh? What is so special about you Seungmin?!!!!!!!!

Hyunjin, if I cant have you then no one cant have you, not even Seungmin. You will see what karma is.

(End of flashback)

*Hyunjin's POV*

"So," I was speechless. "Just because of that you want to ruin my career?"

Junbi hold her fist. "Heh," she smirked. "Just because of that, you say?"

"Maybe for you its just a small things. But because of you,, I got expelled from school and not even one school wants me after that. You ruined my future, Hyunjin. YOU MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE BECAUSE OF THAT USELESS NERD BOY!!" Jun bi yelled at me. She cries.

How can she blame me when she is the one who's looking for trouble.

"Look, He is not useless. He is Seungmin! My boyfriend!!" I yelled back to shut her mouth. "And, correction. I'm not the one who ruined your future, its you. You bullied people and put the blame on others, wasnt you feel shame about it?"

Junbi just laughed it of. She is really the most heartless person I've met. Never did she show her guilty face and what's more anger me is she is not sorry even for once.

"Hyunjin, maybe you dont know about this. But, you know they dont know how petty you are. You two faced boy, acting kind in front of everyone but actually you are the rudest b***t I've ever know. If Seungmin knows how arrogant and ignorant you are, he might regret knowing you."

Doom! Her words stabbed the deepest place of my heart. Rude? Was I being rude back then? Arrogant and ignorant? Was I actually like that?

"Surprised, huh? Well, its the truth. You should fix yourself first before talking about other's mistakes." She smirked and leave.

I froze for a moment. Reflecting everything that seems blurry. Blank. Without realizing there's some truth in what Junbi said earlier. Maybe I was too rude before or maybe I still am now.

Maybe many will hates me because of my personality. I stood there. In shock. Until I can feel warm presence beside me. I look up, it was Seungmin.

He stare went straight into my eyes. Seungmin, I dont know but I think I'm not the right person for you to love.

I love you, really. But did I deserve angel like you?
"Seungmin ah.. sorry." I hug him. Holding up my tears.

"Hyunjin, ah. Why are you sorry? What did she said?" Seungmin cupped my face but I feel the urge to put his hands down. He seem a bit surprised with my actions but its okay. Let him be.

"What happened? Everything okay?" Manager hyung and Mrs. Jung also coming in to check the thing.

I didnt respond because I dont know how to respond.

"Where is Junbi?" Mrs. Jung asked while glaring around looking for Junbi.

"She has apologized. Everything is settled now." I said. Didnt want to prolong things up.

This is partially my mistake too. Well, at least I think that way.

We excuse ourselves and shake hands before leaving.

It was so quiet in the car, I know Seungmin wants to know details but he just keep quiet. And.., I dont know how to tell him. He might think that this is all happen because of him.

I take his hand to recover what I've done at the restaurant earlier.

He look a bit surprised before meet eyes with mine. I just heavily smiled at him. He smiles back.

"Its okay, I wont push. Take your time. You can tell me whenever you ready."

One of all, Seungmin is hurt too with all this.

Second of all, He understanding towards me is beyond this universe.

Third of all, I love him. And I dont think I can love someone as much as I love him. I lean my head on his shoulder, seeking for comfort.

He let me be.

Third person:

'I let him be. Not that I want to comfort him, but I miss his hugs. I miss the affection from him. Last night he wasnt even sleeping inside our room. He slept in a dance practice room. And all the things happens today make me miss him even more. And when he leans his head in, I can feel how much he missed me too.' Seungmin's thoughts.

He pull Hyunjin closer and makes his head clash onto his chest. Hyunjin look up and saw Seungmin who also staring at him. He touched Seungmin lips. So plump and soft. Those lips is his only. But then he stopped touching it, remembering Junbi's words.

Right at that time, he realized he needs to keep his distance with Seungmin. He sat up on chair properly and look outside the window. Seungmin once again surprised with Hyunjin's action.

'After meeting Junbi, everything feels so awkward, what did she brainwash Hyunjin with? I'm scared because Hyunjin is that kind of person who easily believe in what people say about him and start to think in a negative way. I swear I will never forgive Junbi if something bad happens to Hyunjin again.'

Seungjin: Hold Me TightlyWhere stories live. Discover now