Chapter 16

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Sometimes I really think that Ereshkigal gets away with too much when I get reincarnated. The animal lives can be annoying, but at least it is just a part of nature. But the worst was when I woke up in a box, living on the streets in Vegas as an 18-year-old girl, who was already very pregnant. I was able to get to a shelter for 3 days before being rushed to the hospital after my water broke.

As crazy as it was, I didn't mind waking up pregnant. It had been an extremely long time since I'd given birth, and it would be the first time that technology would allow me to find my child and their descendants in future lives and help them out.

Or so I thought.

The birth was complicated, my baby was not turned the right way and they had to do a cesarean section. Since my new body wasn't as strong as it should be from living on the streets, I could feel myself getting weaker, and before I knew it, I was gone again. I spent the next three months as a snake down in Australia before I was eaten by an even bigger snake.

Once I was finally human again, I was able to do research, hoping to find my baby so I could perhaps adopt them. I didn't even know if I had a boy or a girl! But all I could find was a record of a Jane Doe dying, and the baby being adopted with a sealed file. I spent some time trying to unseal it, to track them down, even if only to provide a college fund, but since I couldn't prove I was a relative, I couldn't get it done. It was heartbreaking.

I was surprised by Ash with tea in bed the following morning, as she slid back into the bed with me. I was relieved that she had thrown on one of my tee shirts and a pair of my boxers as she did so. As much as I loved the sight of her body, and the feel of it at night, too much exposure was torture for my brain, body, and heart.

"You know, anyone just watching us around the house like this would think we were married," she said absently.

"You trying to break up with me so you can get your single life in gear?" I asked with a smile.

"No, not at all. I really needed someone like you in my life. We all do," she sipped her tea and sighed contentedly. "Anna and Zach have wanted to be together since Middle School, but I've never had anyone to share things with. So, maybe I needed you a little more than them," she admitted. "Even if you do have the extra pieces!" she just had to add with a giggle.

"And no boobs." I pointed out.


"You feel like getting online and doing some research on Ben? Or would you like to wait? Not like we have to rush." I asked.

"I'm not sure I want to know," she whispered. "Can we just talk a little more?"

"Of course, whatever you're in the mood for," I assured her.

"All right, I'm going to try to ask a few questions that you should probably be able to answer without giving away whatever military grade secrets you're keeping bottled up," she said with a smile.

"Well then ask away."

"What's your favorite color?" She started.

"If we're talking to decorate with, gray. If we're talking to admire, deep blue, like the ocean." I answered.

"All right, that makes sense. I never thought about the difference there, but I'm a fan of a deep green, but I'd never decorate with that, unless it was accents. Next, favorite actor."

"No idea." I admitted.

"What? How can you have no idea?" she yelled, slapping my shoulder.

"Ash, I didn't even have a TV when you first came here. Other than the movies we've watched together, I haven't seen many. I'm more of a music guy," I claimed, defending myself from more slaps.

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