And it's not because I thought about what it would mean for your career or your questionable image since you're still so young. Quite frankly, I don't give a shit. Never have. Anyone would be lucky to have Kiara in their life.

Kian chuckles at her blunt words.

This girl is nothing like he expected already.

In fact, she couldn't be further from the shy, compassionate, reserved mother he expected had raised their angel of a daughter.

She is fierce and feisty. She seems intelligent if her meticulous planning and perfect grammar is anything to go by. But he expected that.

And all of this makes it hurt all the more.

Kian would've loved her he was sure.

Maybe if it weren't for his intoxicated state whenever they met they could have been friends and eventually more then that.

But she's gone, it hits him again like the weight of a million bricks.

The lump returns to his throat as he reads on.

I deeply apologise for keeping you apart Kian.

It's one of the shitty consequences of the burdon I put on Kiara the day she was born, just by being her mother.

I was once involved with someone worse than satan himself. He had allot of power and bad influence in all the wrong places and he had no morals or compassion.

I learnt that too late and I'm about to pay the price for that.

If you are reading this Kian, that means that I already have.

That I'm...dead.

And that Kian is why I had to keep you from her.

One suprise, invasive paparazzi shot of me and Kiara together and it's lights out for us all.

I'm sorry to put the blame on your job but, there it is.

My plan relies entirely on getting Kiara to safety when I know for sure they're coming for me.

And keeping her completely out. Of. The. Fucking. Public. Eye.

Got that?

I've vaguely in so many words told my trusted old neighbours that I mixed with the wrong crowd and all they know is to take Kiara in and send her your way.

I'm saying all of this assuming you give a shit about reading these letters. About knowing your daughter.

And all I can say to that is I promise you Kian Wiley, if you break her heart or put her in danger I swear I will find a way to painfully murder you from beyond the grave.

Kian can feel the colour drain from his face at Lucy's words.

He figured she fell victim to some messed up people but what the hell had she done to put such a target on their little girls back and why hadn't she just sacrificed having a relationship with her to keep her safe in the first place?

But then he thinks back to the first moment he laid eyes on his baby and understands completely.

The moment he seen the miniature version of himself with wide, hopeful blue eyes, he knew he would move heaven and earth to be in her life.

So I guess all I have left to say is...hi? I'm leaving this old shitty little photo of me in this envelope to either jog your memory or just let you know who it is you knocked up. Ejaculated and evacuated. Pumped and dumped.

(And since I know your most burning question of all, the answer is no. I didn't catch chlamydia from the millions of puttana you slept with before me. Thanks for your concern.)

-your favourite baby mamma, Lucia.

And with that last single word, her name, he picks the photo up from the floor meeting the most enticing pair of familiar brown orbs.

Like a dam being lifted, flashes of memories flood his mind as his heart threatens to yet again beat out of his chest.

Well, more like a glitching, hazy flood since he still was very very drunk, but never the less, he remembers her.

Lucia not Lucy Black.

He lets out a small sigh of relief, the weight of the guilt from thinking he had forgotten his baby's mamma lifted off his conscience.

It all makes sense now having read the letter.

She changed her name on official documents to protect Kiara.

Who knows how long Kian sat on the floor of his daughter's bedroom surrounded by all of her belongings and staring at the stunning face of her mother.

She was truly proving to be an enigma.

A gorgeous, tan enigma with the same almond shaped eyes as thier little girl, and the same upturned button nose.

And it was too late to thank her for the gift she gave him.

Because she was gone.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n. Impulse posting because why not lmao. I wanna see what you all think about the letterssssss.

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