PDA in public- all

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HARRY: Harry doesn't mind showing you off, but likes to keep the real stuff out of the public eye, but when your in a line Harry doesn't mind showing everyone that he is yours, in lines Harry would wrap his arms around your waist and kissing your neck and shoulder, but when it is your turn he wouldn't let you go he will just keep his hand on your waist, he will always let you order no matter what and he will without doubt hold your hand and kiss you every chance that he gets 

NIALL: Niall would be the one to show you how much he loves you no matter where you are, when you are shopping he will be by your side and when the paparazzi are around he will hold you protectively even though he is claustrophobic, well your both claustrophobic so it doesn't help, but when your in lines to order something he will be holding your hand, kissing you and holding you close, you would grab his waist and he would hold you from around your neck

LOUIS: Louis is always with you and he never leaves your side, when your shopping he would pick things out for you, he wouldn't be the one following you but would be the one putting his arms around your neck and walk around as you buy and pick things to buy, and then your in lines he would be hugging you and saying that he loves you whenever he wants to or he thinks you need it most

LIAM: Liam hates PDA he would rather keep it out of the public eye, but when you are in the public eye he would hug you and kiss you and hold your hands, but when he wants attention he would keep you close, when you are shopping he would hold your hand and hold the bags even when you refuse to tell him to hold your bags, he was always a gentleman, but when you are in lines he would hold your hand and kiss you on the cheek and when it's your turn to order he would order for you and hold you close

ZAYN: Zayn would never keep you out of his sight, no matter where he is he would be all over you, he would kiss you and hug you whenever he pleases and when you are shopping he wouldn't be kissing you but he would be hugging you when you look at something and when you are in a line he would be all over you, it doesn't matter who is in the line or if there is fans or paparazzi he would be kissing you and when its your turn to order something he would he holding onto your waist from behind and kiss you tenderly while you order

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