fans at the school - Harry

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"wake up Jupiter, its time for school" you said waking up your 6 year old, walking out of the room to your left into your twins room, you asked them if they wanted separate rooms but they wanted the same room, so i am guessing when they get older they are going to want to sleep in different rooms.

"c'mon girls, time for school" you said turning on their light, they move in their beds and in their fluffy big blankets, Darcy is in the middle of her double bed, head melting into her pillows while she is on her stomach while her twin Leah was on her stomach with her head just under her pillow where the blanket meets.

"morning mummy!" your 6 year old said running on top of Leah's bed and leaning in so that you picked him up, you moved him to your right hip and saw Harry walking in the room just a few minutes later, he flopped onto Darcy's bed and turned to his side where Darcy's legs were and hugged them, she let out a laugh and got out of bed, us all laughing at Harry's confused face he made when he felt her move, she went down next to her dad and hugged him, he hugged back with a smile playing on his lips 

"is that all i have to do, for you all i am saying, get daddy to come in and you would wake up?" you asked them they all nodded including Harry "wow, okay fine, i won't wake you up anymore" they all screamed 'no'

"no babe, please still wake me up, i like you waking me up every morning" Harry said getting up and hugging you from behind 

"hey, i am talking to the kids, not you" you said to him kissing his hair as the room erupted with laughter, you let Jupiter go and walk out of the room so that you could get breakfast ready for them (minus Harry, if that wasn't 

a few minutes later they all walked down and seeing Jupiter in Harry's arms made you smile, he looked at you looking at him, he put Jupiter in his chair as the girls poured their cereal and then Harry poured his

"what" he said walking over to you putting his arms on your waist hugging you and putting his nose in the crook of your neck, you hear your kids laugh at something that Jupiter did. you put your arms on Harry's back from above his shoulders, he bent down and smiled at the fact that he had to bend down just so you and him could be comfortable in each others arms

"oh shut up Styles" you told him

"hey, your a Styles too, just like those three" he said pointing to them at the table and resting his arm on your waist again

"i know, and i am proud"

"as you should be, being a Styles is a great achievement" he said kissing your cheek as you let go and as the kids finished their breakfast

"mummy, for lunch can i have a strawberry jam sandwich, please" Leah said as she gave you her bowl to put in the dishwasher

"of course you can, Darcy do you want the same as Leah?" she nodded and you went to put the bowl in the dishwasher then went over to make the sandwiches

"OMG no!" you heard Darcy scream from her room

"what is it hunny?" you screamed back as you put their lunches in their lunchboxes 

"ohhh uhhh, nothing don't worry i thought i lost my other shoe, don't worry" she said, giving you the 'OK' 

"WHAT IS IT" you heard Harry playfully scream and made the girls scream.

you got Jupiter and everyone ready and headed out the door and go into the car


its 2:50 and they just finished, its a Friday so it doesn't end at the normal time it usually would you collect your kids with Harry as you saw some fans of Harry's taking photos and videos as we walked out of the school grounds, you felt Harry's hand tense up as you noticed he was looking in the direction of the fans

"Harry its okay" you told him as you grabbed Darcy's hand as Leah hopped into the stroller (i know Jupiter is six but i wanted to add the stroller <3) that Harry was holding onto, you realised that you had to walk past them to get to the car

"great" you said under your voice, before you crossed the street you said "stay close to mummy some fans are going to want pictures" to Darcy

your crossing the road when you heard screaming from the fans Leah's head snap in there direction since the cover of the stroller was pulled back, she grabbed a hold of her brother since this has happened before she pulled the cover over her and him, meaning she didn't want her photo taken, which i understood, before we headed over Darcy wanted inside the stroller we stopped on the side a little more distant from them behind a tree so that they couldn't see the kids

"i hope they give us space" you told Harry as he put them in the stroller

"they will if i tell them too" he said able to put the tree of them in a stroller that holds two (the girls were 2 years old when Jupiter was born so you reused the stroller for him in case the girls wanted to go in the stroller, kind of like now) you walked out from behind the tree as both of Harry's hands were on the stroller while you were walking with your arm around his arm you walked passed them and they said

"hi Harry" the one with brown hair and blue eyes said 

"hi" he said back trying to walk faster to the car they followed close behind you guys you put your puffer jacket hoodie on and tried to hide your face Harry moved his hand off of the stroller and on your back

"Harry can we get a picture please, i have been waiting most of my life for one" another girl said you turned a corner to where your car was sitting, the girls kept taking pictures and videos of you both

"can you please stop taking pictures of us, Harry doesn't want pictures taken, nor do i" you said to the

"your not his body guard and i don't care if you don't want pictures we want pictures with Harry" the brunette one said

"excuse me, please don't talk to her like that" Harry said as he stopped in your tracks as he gave you the stroller "walk to the car and let me handle them" you nodded and walk off

- Harry's POV -

"leave us alone, we want to go home and spend time with our kids, its a Friday so it would be greatly honoured to me and MY family" i said to them frustrated that they are invading my personal life

"sorry Harry, but can i have a picture?" the short one asked, i took pictures with the short one, the blonde hair, the one with brown eyes and a few others leaving the one that was rude to y/n last, i looked at her, she was ready for a picture, i looked at her and went in the position to take a picture and turned around before she could snap the picture and left

"hey Harry, i want a picture too" she said, rudely

"sorry i don't take pictures with people that are rude to my family, especially my wife" i said to her leaving and hearing people laugh, now normally i wouldn't like that, but what she said to y/n was desperately needed   

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