Fans spot you with Lux - all

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HARRY: you walked out of the plane with Lux in your hands because during the plane she fell asleep on you and now she doesn't want you to put her down. she was a light child, but she kept moving

"Lux do you want to mov-" you were cut off by a bunch of screaming and 'awes' throughout the airport when you all walked out, of the terminal, you had a free hand which Harry was glad to take the freedom of and put his hand in yours, you laughed as Harry poked Lux's nose and she put her head in the crook of your neck

"hey missy, i know you aren't a big fund of me this tour because Y/N came but that's my spot" he said, she heard everything and laughed putting her hands over her mouth and putting her head more into my neck "you know that's my spot, right?" Harry said

"yes Harry, and i also think the whole world knows it to" you said to him

"good, what do you mean 'whole world'?" he asked

"Harry you are aware that we are in a airport with everyone watching us and taking video, right?" you said to him

"yeah, i am aware, but she should know already from when we were in Australia that that's my. spot." he said talking like a baby

"Harry you know i have two sides of me right? you not oblivious of that" i asked him, he scrunched his nose and put his forehead on my other shoulder

"yes Y/N i am aware of that but the right side is my side" he said pecking your lips which made the crowd erupt with screams, we started to walk once we got our luggage's off the plane, we started walking through the crowd of screaming girls which scared Lux and made her clench onto my neck once she had lifted her head up from the girls screaming

"its alright Lux, i have you, their not going to touch you, trust me" you said to her

"Y/N, i tired" she said, you adjusted your arm lower so that she would be comfortable to sleep in your arms

NIALL: your walking out of the airport and you are all just standing there waiting for you cab to come which was 30 minutes late, Niall walked over to you with Lux in his hands, she reached out to you once she was close enough, you crabbed her waist and put her in your arms resting on your hip, the paparazzi are taking videos and pictures but keeping their distant so they don't get yelled at by the security guards

"you okay" Niall whispered into your ear because he knows you not a big fan of the crowd 

"i'm actually holding in there" you said to him, which received a kiss on the lips from him

"i am glad, wasn't sure how you were going to handle this" he said pointing to the fans and waving to them, which of course got a scream from the ones watching you guys and filming you "i want to get to the hotel, i tired and want snuggles" he said to you which made you laugh

"me too Ni, me too" lets be honest, you have never travelled so much in so long, the last time you travelled one three planes was when you were moving to London and lost your connection with your planes because of a delay, lets just say you spent the night in the airport because there was no close enough hotels 

"homeee" Niall said seeing the van pull up, grabbing your hand and led you to the car without any trouble  

LOUIS: you were getting ready to board when Louis put Lux in your arms 

"sorry babe, she wanted you to hold her, but also i was happy because my arms were getting really tired" he said truthfully, even though you know that he was not going to say that he was a weak guy, because Lux wasn't heavy

"alright, i don't mind" you said, your head snapped when you heard the room erupt with gasps, it was fans and they were taking photos and videos of you holding Lux and you and Louis holding hands while talking

"hello!" Louis said to them making them scream and everyone in the airport looking at us and them, a little child came up to us with her mum in her left hand, almost like she was dragging her to meet us

"hello Louis, if you can, could i have a picture?" Louis looked at you and you nodded giving him the 'OK' to take a picture with her

"smile bright" the mum said as she was taking the pictures, they took the pictures and left 

LIAM: "Y/N could you please hold Lux i need to go to the loo" Lou asked as she handing you the small figure and placing her in your arms, you were sitting down waiting for the plane to board Liam was on his phone with his head on your shoulder and his right hand interlocked with your left one, a few minutes later Lux was asleep, but not for long when people were screaming as they spotted us just waiting

"oh my god hi Liam and Y/N! is that Lux?" the tall figure asked, you let of Liam's hand and waved which made him confused on why you would let go of his hand, you didn't finish waving to them when Liam grabbed your hand again and interlocking them as you nodded to answer their question

"Liam i was just saying hi to them" you said, he lifted his head off your shoulder again

"i know, but your hand was making my hand warm and when you let go the air hit my hand and it was cold, now babe" he said with sass "i still have to win this and i can only do so if you are holding my hand" he added putting his head on your shoulder while you put your head on his

"thank you Y/N" Lou came back collecting Lux from my hands 

ZAYN: we were on the plane Zayn sound asleep on your shoulder and me watching a movie while Lux slept in my arms laying down with a blanket Zayn put on us , you took your headphones off and was putting your mac book away before you heard a click, your head snapped seeing a fan taking a picture of you holding Lux with Zayn next to the window with his head on your shoulder, Lou was in the toilet so the seat next to me was empty, you waved and she stopped taking pictures 

"hello" she said turning around and tapping her sisters shoulder, i think they were both big fans because he sister gasped and she was just taking photos 

"oh my god, hi Y/N i am a big fan along side my sister, is it okay if we take pictures?" you nodded, they adjusted themselves and clearly you couldn't move since they were asleep on you, they took the picture "oh my god, thank you Y/N i have been waiting two years for this when i found out the band 'One Direction'" she said, me knowing that she was an OG

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