Chapter 2

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"How come you are always the last one to leave?" I chuckled at Peter's remark.

"I'm in no hurry, I still have to feed the Chinese Fireball and you know she's stubborn." I turned to him, brushing the hair off my face.

"I can do it, you know I'm staying here for the holidays and you're..." He stepped closer and snatched the bag with food in front of me. "...going to miss your portkey."

"Are you sure?" I narrowed my eyes at him, taking off my gloves.

"Charlie, when was the last time you saw your family?" He sighed.

"About six months ago." I actually had to think about it.

"See!" He stretched out his hand, making me give my gloves to him. "The dragons will survive without you for a few days." He winked at me.

Perhaps he was right. I don't know how to take a day off. If it wasn't for Peter and my team, I would be working all the time. They are the ones who stop me here and there and get me drunk.

"I still have to pack!" I remembered.

I woke up at 5 this morning and went to feed the dragons straight away, completely forgetting I am leaving for the Burrow afterward.

"Damn it, Charlie! You always do this to me." Peter shook his head. "I'll fire you."

"What for?" I chortled. "For working too hard?"

"Yes!" He laughed. "You have 30 minutes before the portkey closes. You better go now!"

"Alright, alright. I'm going." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you miss your family?" He asked, concern on his face.

"Of course, I do!" I really did but I am not going to tell my boss how much. "Don't you miss yours?"

"I do but I see them once per month, sometimes even twice. You don't know how to take that much time off, remember?" He smirked at me.

"That's right, keep rubbing it in my face." I bumped his shoulder with my fist and waved at him, starting down the path towards my hut.

Did he say 30 minutes to pack and catch the portkey? He's mental, that's not enough time! I picked up the pace, my keys ready. I ran straight to my dresser when I entered my home and started throwing clothes on my bed.

A pair of jeans, a hat, scarf, two t-shirts. I think that's enough for a 4-day stay! Oh, shit! I can't go without one of mum's jumpers. I stuck my head back in the dresser, my eyes tracking the burgundy jumper with a green dragon on it.

Where are you?

I would say that I have to reorganize my closet but I know I would never end up doing it. I wear mostly the same clothes to work every day and the only time I try a bit harder to look presentable is when I go home. It's a waste of time otherwise. Why spend the time picking an outfit when you can spend it with dragons?

There it is!

I knew I was probably going to get a new one as a Christmas present but I loved this one the most. Mum's jumpers were the only thing I didn't like about my job. I couldn't wear them without completely ruining them, I loved them too much to do that so they were being untouched in my closet.

Now to get my toothbrush and that should be all. How much time I have left until my portkey closes and Peter kills me?

I leaned my head to check the clock on the kitchen wall. 10 minutes. I can make that if I run!

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