Hunter shook his head, "No you were taken by three known murderers, shot Ward, blasted by a Alien chemical weapon that know one knows what it is, survived an earthquake and came out almost unscathed. That is damn impressive."

Fitz then walked into the room and walked over to Hunter, "Kat, I don't have anything yet but I'm working on it."

Kat nodded, "Thanks Fitz."

Fitz took the tablet, pressed a few buttons before putting it into the hatch to Kat, when Kat picked it up Fitz started to talk again, "The brief is going to be in here so you and Skye can hear. This will tell you who's speaking and what they are saying just like before."

The rest of the team then walked into the room as Bobbi said, "With a prisoner exchange? Using Bakshi out in the open like that it's a dangerous strategy sir."

Coulson nodded, "I know it's high risk but we have a small window to take advantage of Hydra's lack of leadership."

Kat stood up and walked over to the glass, "It puts you out on a limb, I'm telling you Hydra has leaders waiting just in case. And who is the resident Hydra expert? Me."

Coulson looked over to her and said, "With a chance to deliver a crushing blow to those responsible for Tripp's death. I'll take it."

"Responsible huh?" Mack asked

Coulson looked over to Mack, "You have something to say Mack?"

"Plenty. But I'll keep it to myself." Mack said

"Don't mind him. He's just coming down from the worst alien acid-trip of all time." Hunter said

Fitz looked over to Hunter and said, "That's not funny."

"No one asked for any of this to happen. Hydra forced our hand and now Coulson plans to force theirs-"

Mack cut May off shouting, "Did they? Did Hydra force our hand!"

"Repeatedly but we have a chance-"

This time Mack cut Coulson off, "Or did we hand them detailed plans and the location of that city?!"

Coulson stepped forwards and said, "Hydra took them. When they took Kat and Skye! Are you saying we shouldn't have gone in to save them?"

"I'm saying there wouldn't have been anything to take if you and Skye hadn't been obsessed with the alien messages in your damn head!" Mack shouted

Kat looked at the tablet and saw the writing was going so fast people were talking all at once she couldn't read it all, "Guys stop. Slow down. Guys!" Kat jumped back when another lightbulb blew in her room

Kat looked over to Skye and saw that she was staring at a can of drink that was shaking on the table.

"That's enough!" Coulson shouted, "If Tripp was here. He wouldn't be arguing he wouldn't be bitching. He would be gearing up to do what needs to be done. Yeah we're dealing with forces we don't understand. But Hydra I do understand. I want everybody ready when the sun comes up. End of discussion." Coulson then walked out of the room.

Once everyone left the room Kat looked over to Skye and said, "I'm not going mad I saw that right?"

Skye looked terrified as she nodded, "What the hell happened to us down there."

Kat read what she had said, looked up, "Something bad."

. . . . . . .

"Thank goodness nothing bad happened to you two." Simmons said as she was taking blood from Skye, "Wouldn't want to have you stay in here forever."

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