Ye who enter here

Start from the beginning

Kat shook her head, "No, but you could tell Fury and Bobbi how dangerous they were and he would decide so tell me you didn't do that." Coulson stayed quiet, "You did didn't you?"

"You need to underst-"

Kat cut Coulson Off by standing up, "Let me talk! So Anya, Vadim, Alexi they were all SHEILD kills?" Coulson nodded, "I should rip your tongue out through your head!"

Coulson stood up and shouted, "That is enough! I am the director of SHIELD!"

"You're the director of SHIELD. I'm not SHIELD, so you're not in control of me." Kat said as she turned and walked out of the office.

When she walked down the stairs she saw the entire team sitting or standing in the longue area, "You heard all that?" Kat asked

Bobbi nodded, "Is everything okay?"

Kat nodded as she walked down the stairs, "Yeah. Just good luck on whatever wild goose chase he has you on now. Because I'm out."

"I can't let you leave Kat." Coulson said as he walked down the stairs.

Kat turned around when she got to the door and said, "Watch me."

"You want to do this with everyone here?" Coulson asked

Kat nodded, "They're my team, or are you going to kill them too?"

Mack stepped forwards and said, "Hold on what is going on?"

Jess grabbed his arm and pulled him back whilst shaking her head, "I can't let you leave and you know that. So you can stay and help or I can lock you up in the vault." Coulson said

Kat scoffed and said, "You're scared. Scared that I'll go back. Scared that I'll comply."

Coulson nodded, "Can you blame me? After what you just heard. After we have learnt?"

"What do you take me for? You know what don't answer that question." Kat asked as she walked out of the room towards her bunk.

. . . . . ..

"So where are we going? Preferably somewhere hot." Jess asked as she walked into her room and saw Kat on the floor packing a bag.

Kat looked up and said, "We are going nowhere. I'm not asking you to leave SHIELD."

Jess picked up another bag from the floor and said, "Well too bad, if you're going so am I. I don't agree with what he did. He took a choice from you."

"You never minded who I was. Before SHIELD." Kat said as she stopped packing

Jess nodded, "I knew you had a life before SHIELD. A bad one. Doesn't mean I love you any less just because I know your life. I knew about him before nothing changes just because he's alive...but I do agree with Coulson is it really safe out there with Hydra? How many times have they come after you?"

"So what we see this crazy city mission out then we go?" Kat asked

Jess nodded, "Exactly maybe we can finally get our holiday to Greece."

. . . . . .

"Nice to see you haven't left yet." Bobbi said as Jess and Kat walked up the ramp of the bus's cargo hold

Kat nodded, "Yet being the main word."

"Come see me when this is all done I need to tell you something you might like the sound of." Bobbi said and Kat nodded

Coulson walked down the stairs and stood in front of the agents, "Here's what we know. Hydra's on the move. They have the Obelisk and an expert who knows how to use it. We can't let that happen. Obviously."

The CLASSIFIED agent- 𝓐𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓗𝓘𝓔𝓛𝓓Where stories live. Discover now