"thank you." Miranda replied with a toothy grin.

Ben came down stairs as parents filled the house with kids. He watched as Miranda interacted with the kids and talked with the moms. She is a wonderful surgeon but this was another one of her elements. Ben took pictures of the party and the kids playing games. He made sure to get Miranda holding Symphony in a picture. They both had on party hats. " Put a party hat on Ben and take a picture with us." Miranda smiled as she extended her hand for him to come.

April took the picture of them and Miranda sat Symphony down and watched as she went to go play. She was in love with the Live Mc stuffins character. She had all the kids dancing and laughing.

Miranda sat in the chair beside Richard and she talked with him and Meredith. She watched as Meredith talked about Zola and her experience with being a mom. Miranda laughed and shared somethings that has happened to her.

"Time for the cake." Ben said as he came in the room. Everyone got up and travelled over to the dining room. Miranda lifted Symphony up and sat down with her in the chair facing the cake. Ben lit the number one candle and everyone sung along happy birthday. Miranda let the tears of joy she was holding fall and smiled as Symphony clapped. She didn't understand anything about blowing out the candles so Miranda blew it out.

"Yay." Miranda said clapping her hands. Ben cut everyone a slice and Miranda helped Symphony with her piece. She was getting it all over her mouth and hands. Ben scooped up icing on his fingers and he ran it across Miranda's face. Miranda looked at him as everyone laughed. " Now you have to give me a kiss for that one." Miranda said pouting.

"Certainly." Ben said as he leaned in to kiss her. Miranda moved and smashed a plate with a slice of cake into his face. She let out a loud laugh along with everyone else.

Symphony laughed. "yeah daddy is so silly. Isn't he." Miranda looking at him with a smirk.

Ben helped open up gifts with Symphony as Miranda watched and recorded. "You record every moment." Richard asked, sorta stated.
"Yeah I do and now your voice is in my video asking me that." Miranda laughed.

As the night went on. Everyone was packing up to leave and Miranda went Into the kitchen. To clean up and put things away.

After everyone left and Miranda came and sat on the couch as Ben vacuum cleaned the floor. Ben cut the vacuum cleaner off. " She sleep?"

"Knocked out. She wore her self out from playing." Miranda said as she grabbed a blanket from the side of the couch.

Ben chuckled and he sat on the couch. Moving her feet to his lap as he began to rub them.

"Mmm you are such a good husband." Miranda sighed.
Miranda strolled through the channels on tv. She tried to keep her eyes from closing but Ben massaging her feet was putting her to sleep.

A week passed and Miranda just finished her last surgery. She walked down the hallway. To drop her off her chart. "hey Dr. Bailey do you want to scrub in with me. This women has a tumor on her liver and –"
"Uh I can't this is my last night with my husband and I'm getting off early to have dinner with him and some other things. " Miranda said smiling moving passed her.

Miranda changed her clothes and she walked to daycare to get Symphony. She signed her out and then walked with her to her car. After she locked her in. She drove home.

Miranda grabbed Symphony and she put her on her hip as she walked up to the front door. She unlocked it and went inside.

"Ooh Ben you cooked dinner. I was going to cook for you tonight." Miranda said putting Symphony down in the living room and closing the child gate.

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