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"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dream started to crack up, clearly not believing her words. Angelica snorted and eyed her chat who was clearly freaking out about what she said. "Why did you read it?"

"Sapnap told me to read it and I didn't know what it was, but he sent me the whole link and made me read it and summarize it at the end," Angelica breathed out. "The book was great but holy shit. Dream you're such a bottom."

"Stop, oh, my God," Dream groaned, small chuckles escaping his lips. "I'm not the bottom one. George is."

"Chat, be grateful I'm feeding you DreamNotFound content," Angelica quickly told her viewers.

| twitchuser: everyone say thank you Ang
| twitchuser: I wanna see more Angelica
x Dream content tho feed me 😩
| twitchuser: dnf content? I wanna see more
anf content

"Stop!" Angelica's widened with amusement at hearing Dream's yell. God, she had to admit, that was hot. "Stop fucking annoying me, you brat."

Angelica couldn't respond, her eyes still wide. She looked at Dream's Minecraft character before moving to mute herself on Discord.

"Chat, chat," she immediately said. "That was hot."

| twitchuser: no ang 😭😭😭
| twitchuser: not you being turned
on by being yelled at 😭
| twitchuser: what???
| twitchuser: to new viewers, this is
ang lol she last mentioned to us
she had a choking kink and is
very open with us 😁

"Angelica," Dream called out for her. "Look, I'm sorry for calling you annoying in the tone that I used. Now, unmute yourself."

| twitchuser: he's apologizing??!!
| twitchuser: what the-when has Dream
ever apologized?
| twitchuser: im so confused on why
dream is apologizing. Is he okay? 😭

"Angelica," Dream continued. "Rosas. C'mon, answer me."

"Go along with my lie chat," Angelica quickly told her viewers before unmuting herself. "I'm here, I'm here. Sorry, I was having some issues with a hater."

"Oh," Dream let out. "Did you ban them?"

"Mhmm," Angelica lied. "Yeah. My mods were very quick to do so. The person was just saying..." She thought about what they usually did to her and she squinted her eyes, making sure her lie was believable, "some names."

"Hmm," Dream simply let out. "Are you okay?"

| twitchuser: what is wrong with
these two today omggg 😭
| twitchuser: Dream becoming a
softy to our girl Ang 🤨
| twitchuser: woah woah woah
im still not forgiving this mf

"I'm okay," Angelica nodded. "Anyway, what should my house look like? Give me ideas."

"You want me to give you ideas?" The girl cutely hummed and Dream felt his heart rapidly beating against his chest. It wasn't anything, though. It was just the nerves from... a reasonable lie. "Hmm, I don't know. Let me search up something real quick," she could hear him pressing his keyboard keys at a fast pace. "Ooh, you should try to do a large oak house. Here, I'll send you the photo."

Quickly receiving the image, Angelica groaned. "What the hell, Dream? You chose the hardest one."

"Well, you let me choose so fucking deal with it," Dream laughed. "Here, I'll try to encourage you as much as I can."

"Why don't you help me build it?"

"I'm not good at building stuff," Dream answered.

"Can you only do the "dudududu" thing?" Angelica asked, singing the tune of the song Dream used when he was speed running. He found it amusing, snorting at her words.


| twitchuser donated $100:
why does Dream call you brat?

"I'll let Dream answer that one of course," Angelica said, eyebrows furrowed together as she got to building, Dream giving her the supplies she needed. Dream hummed in questioning. "A dono asked why you called me a brat?"

"'Cause she is," Dream simply answered.

"He calls me a good girl, don't worry, guys," Angelica smirked and Dream could only chuckle.

"She's lying, I don't call her that."

"Don't worry I called Dream dad—"

"Stop!" Dream felt his face heating up at her words and she laughed really hard, chat noticing that her laugh now seemed to resemble his wheeze-y laugh.

"And Dream liked it when I called him that."

"Stop feeding your chat with lies!"

"It's only the truth!"


I forgot I was a writer...

But it's not my fault. I've
been too entranced with
Jungkook's beauty 😔

And since I didn't update,
I'll update again in a few
minutes. It's 2 am and my
parents made me wash dishes 😔

Someone did memes in
my discord server for Sunflower
and they made me laugh 😭
I don't know what their username
is here in Wattpad, so if it's you,
claim it you genius!!!

Someone did memes inmy discord server for Sunflowerand they made me laugh 😭I don't know what their usernameis here in Wattpad, so if it's you,claim it you genius!!!

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