Chapter 16

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The world around her shifted and soon disappeared. It was replaced by darkness. Rushing wind whistled past her ears. There was a sudden spark of light and she found herself dropping her sword and covering her eyes.

"Wh-where am I?" She asked.

"This is my subconscious," came the reply.

As Izzy's eyes adjusted to the light, she found herself standing in a large, sparse, room. Unseen light cast the room in a heavenly glow. Across from her stood a man. He looked down at her sadly. Was this the Master? He looked nothing like what she saw before. This man was beautiful. Long black hair that was tied back into a low ponytail, fair skin, kind, almond shaped eyes which were soft blue in colour, thin shaped lips. And instead of wearing the rags she saw him in before he wore a white shirt and brown pants, tucked into brown boots.

"Do not be alarmed. My name is Sebastian." He gave her a bow. "What you saw before was also me, but it had become dark and corrupted. When you attacked me just seconds ago you forced my dark half to return to my subconscious."

"Where's the other half of you then?" She asked. "And how do I know you're not playing tricks on me?"

"I understand your doubt. I have not proven myself to be trustworthy. And I am sorry." He sighed. "The other me, as you said, is somewhere, waiting to attack. The battle for my body has begun."

There was a sudden screech and the flapping of wings. Izzy and Sebastian turned to find the Master flying towards them. Sebastian unceremoniously pushed Izzy away and snapped his fingers. In his hand appeared a Long Sword. With an easy swing Sebastian landed a solid blow to the Masters head. The Master screeched in pain and landed, skidding across the floor. When the Master recovered, he snapped his fingers as well and also got a Long Sword. Izzy watched in amazement as the two raised their swords and ran at each other. They fought matching blow for blow. It was eerie, like seeing someone fight themselves in a mirror.

The Master laughed. "Sebastian, I know what you're thinking before you know it. If you've forgotten, I AM YOU!"

"You are nothing more than a shadow!" Sebastian snapped, and swung his sword again swiping across the front of the Master.

The Master chuckled and easily blocked the attack before forcibly kicking Sebastian in the stomach. He laughed menacingly as Sebastian staggered back. Like lighting, the Master was on the young Prince, his sword pressed up against Sebastian's neck. The Master leaned in and stroked Sebastian's face with his free hand. He took a deep breath in.

"Your fear smells so good, Sebastian," the Master whispered.

Sebastian gritted his teeth and kneed the Master in the stomach. The Master grunted and stumbled back. Without hesitation Sebastian lunged and swiped. Once against his alter-ego blocked. The clashing of swords echoed throughout the room. Eventually, with a particularly deft attack, Sebastian was able to knock the Master's sword out of his hands. The Master scowled and took to the air. Sebastian saw him make the move. But the Master was fast in the air. He came down on Sebastian before he could react. His sword also went spinning from his hand. The Master grabbed his arm and pulled him into the air. Higher and higher they went. Sebastian struggled and squirmed. With a sickly smile the Master released Sebastian. Izzy watched him fall and hit the ground, hard. Sebastian gasped and arched his back. Pain seared through his body. Izzy watched in horror as the Master flew down like a bullet towards Sebastian. She had to do something. But what? She looked over to see Sebastian's sword laying not far from her.

Scrambling to her feet Izzy leapt at the sword and kicked it towards Sebastian. Sebastian felt the hilt of his sword brush against his fingers. He groaned and, with much effort, wrapped his fingers around the hilt. With sword in hand, he found new energy. Swiftly, he rolled onto his stomach and got to his knees, lifting the sword. There was a horrible squish, as Sebastian's blade sank into the Master's stomach easily like overripe fruit. There was a silent pause, as the Master's smile slowly turned into confusion. He looked down at the sword. Blood trickled down the blade and fell onto the floor. Then he fell beside Sebastian and curled up. With the last remains of his energy Sebastian got up and sat on the Master's body. He raised his sword above his head and sank it deeply into the Master's chest. Blood splattered onto his face and clothes. Again, Sebastian pulled the sword out and sunk it one more time into his chest. He watched as the light flickered from the Master's eyes, his head slumped sideways. The Master's body shriveled and crumbled into dust as Sebastian got to his feet. He dropped his sword and looked at Izzy. He sighed with relief. Finally, the Master was gone.

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