Chapter 8

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Of course, the kids lied through their teeth once the police arrived, saying that they had decided to have a party while Nic's mother was away. It was the only thing that they could make up on an instance notice. No one would believe that an army of Supernatural beings had broken into the house and tried to kill them and take a Spell book. They would have been seen as insane.

To make matters worse, the police had called all their parents and guardians. One by one the teens were picked up. The only inconvenience was for Nic's mother, who had to drive in from Kingston. As punishment, the teens were grounded for the rest of the month. That would make research, needless to say, a little difficult for them.

While he waited for his mother to arrive from Kingston he was forced to be looked after by his Aunt and Uncle. They drove in from across the city. They were the first to arrive and made the kids clean up the mess before sending them home. Once all of them had left, Nic silently went to his room, shutting the door behind him. He gave a sigh and collapsed onto the bed, staring remorsefully at a picture of his father on the side table. His heart sank into his stomach.

This was the first time that Nic had gotten into trouble on this scale. As a kid, after his father died, he acted out, however, it showed itself as passive aggressive behaviour. As a child, if something didn't go exactly his way, he would often get sullen, and often intentionally avoid answering questions by shrugging his shoulders. But that was when he was four and had only lasted a year or two. His mother thought that he was over his behavioral stage. So, when she had learned that he had thrown a party, Nic had gotten into a shit load of trouble over the phone.

"Shit, if only I could tell the truth without sounding crazy," he muttered.

His cellphone pinged, meaning that something had come up on Facebook. Nic pulled it out of his pocket. It was a Facebook message from Lucas on the group chat.

Lucas: We need to meet as soon as possible at the Reference Library. Now that we know what we're dealing with we can gather the proper information and start formulating a plan.

Tanya: We're grounded. Or have you forgotten that fact in the last half hour.

Lucas: I know that. But this is more important.

Lily: What are you saying, Lucas?

Lucas: What I'm saying is that we ignore this grounding and go to the library anyways.

Tanya: Who are you and what have you done with the real Lucas?

Izzy: I think aliens have taken over his brain. LOL

Chris: LOL! All things aside though, Lucas is right, this has become much bigger than we could ever imagine. I agree with Lucas, we need to ignore this grounding and just meet up anyways.

Nic: It would take a lot of maneuvering but your right. We do need to meet up again to think of a plan.

Tanya: There's the Nic we know.

Izzy: So, when do we meet?

Lucas: Let things settle for a bit. I say we meet on Saturday at noon. That gives us plenty of time to figure out how we're going to slip past our guardians. Sound good?

Lily: Agreed.

Chris: Roger

Izzy: Cool beans.

Tanya: Can do.

Nic: Yeah...oh shit. Gotta go. Someone's coming up the steps to check on me.

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