"Izzy, you're arm. You're hurt. What happened?" Peggy asked.

Shit, she had let her arm show. She looked down. "I...uh...was goofing with some of the guys last night and tripped and fell."

"Why didn't you tell me last night?" Peggy asked, crossing her arms.

"You know foster kids Peggy. They rarely ask for help...besides I'm okay," she lied. Izzy looked down and sighed.

"I know, but you know that I worry about all of you." Peggy walked over and placed a gentle hand on Izzy's arm. "Can I at least see the wound?"

Izzy pulled her arm away and pouted. "Don't...I mean...please don't. Really, I'm fine," she lied again.

"Alright...look if it gets any worse tell me. We may have to go to the hospital," Peggy replied, returning to the stove to cook.

Izzy remained silent and sat back with Liam.

After breakfast Izzy quickly cleaned her dishes and began to head to the door. "Hey, going to head out for a little bit...I'll be back this afternoon."

She didn't even wait for a response. She grabbed her bag and slipped into her sandals, hurrying out the door towards the bus stop. She managed to get there just as the bus pulled up. Flashing her card, she took a seat at the back, as per usual. Izzy popped in her headphones and closed her eyes, and without realizing it drifted off to sleep.

She was awoken by the driver gently shaking her shoulder. She jumped and looked up. Realizing where she was, she gave the driver a smile in thanks and headed out the door. Before heading down into the Subway Izzy checked her phone. Everyone had gotten the text and made some sort of comment acknowledging that they were going to meet her there. Good. She shuffled down the steps towards the trains—still very tired. Fortunately, the train was there so she stepped on and took a seat. Within minutes the train left the station. With music blasting, Izzy watched the blackness pass her, letting the rocking of the train relax her.

She eventually got off at Pape Station and checked her phone. She still had another twenty minutes before she had to meet everyone so, decided to walk the rest of the way. Besides, it was too nice a day to spend on a train. She always loved the Danforth, especially in summer. The restaurant patios were open, there were always performers playing, and the smells were to die for. Even the crowds walking up and down the sidewalks seemed cheerful and there were always lots of dogs to pet. She couldn't help but smile.

Once she got to the Starbucks she slipped inside, greeted by the refreshing feeling of air conditioning. She wiped the sweat away from her forehead and looked around. It seemed that she was the only one there so far. So, she bought a drink and nabbed a table near the window.

The first to arrive after her was Lily. And, as usual, Lily gave her a wide smile through the window and waved enthusiastically. She entered. "Hey Izzy, what a wonderful way to spend a summer day." She placed her bag down and grabbed her wallet. "I'll be right back." She gave Izzy a playful wink before leaving.

While Lily was busy in line ordering Tanya and Nicholas entered together, holding hands. The two gave Izzy a smile and Nicholas took a seat, while Tanya went to grab them something. Lucas arrived next, taking a seat, preferring not to get anything. Eventually, Tanya and Lily returned. By that point, Chris came rushing into the Starbucks, panting. They all chuckled. Out of all of them, Chris lived closest to the Danforth, and yet, was consistently late.

"Dude, you okay?" Nic asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine...man, I should stop smoking," He panted. "Be back in a few minutes...need a drink."

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