This Is Not A Dream .o2.

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Chapter Two: It Was Only Just a Dream... Fuck you Nelly!

What happened last chapter:

My legs began to feel numb and slowly I lost feeling in them, then my arms and upper body, my soul began to flutter inside me, and it felt as if it was leaving my body completely. The inside of my eyelids began to vibrate this vibration feeling then took over my entire body. Instead of the blackness I would see when my eyes were closed, dots of color began to fill it instead. Like colors being splattered onto an empty canvas, creating a beautiful picture. As soon as my entire vision was filled with these colors, I blinked my eyes and smiled.

I was dreaming. 

            My eyes fluttered open to my bedroom, like my actually bedroom, not Molly's house. It felt as if maybe my mom going on that business trip was only an act of my imagination. I smiled, stretched and got up and out of bed. I shivered. Wait a minute... something's not quite right and I'm pretty sure it has to deal with the fact that I'm naked, I have a hangover, and that there's either:  

a)      A huge human sized pillow under my comforter that can breathe.


b)  There's a freaking guy in my bed!

            My heart started beating erratically, oh shit! I really hope I didn't lose my virginity when I was drunk 'cause that's just way too cliché and it's just pathetic. I tiptoed to my closet and threw on a silk robe and tied it tight around my wait. Where is it? I thought while digging through my closet. Aha! I gripped the metal baseball bat and approached the bed slowly. Although, what the hell was I supposed to do? Bash the dudes head open? I mean seriously, I'm not a caveman... I'd probably just tie him to a chair and threaten to castrate him if he didn't tell me what the hell happened last night. Okay, that's not really an improvement. I finally approached the bed and looked down. Holy power rangers on ice! The dude in my bed was Damon! I dropped the baseball bat and covered my mouth in shock. Did I seriously lose my virginity to the most amazing guy in the world and not remember it? I saw Damon stir and rise out of the bed in sheer confusion, until he saw me, then his jaw dropped. I gave a shy smile.

            "Uh, hey," He looked at me up and down, then at the floor where our clothes were and then under the blanket. "Shit," I heard him mutter under his breath. I quirked my head to the side,

            "What?" He practically jumped out of bed revealing his sexy, toned, body. Try not to drool. I repeated in my head over and over. He ran towards his clothes and began pulling on his pants and grabbed his shirt and threw it on, "Shit, shit, SHIT!" He began yelling. He started heading towards the door. "Damon, wait!" I scrambled towards him and grabbed his arm but he pulled away and pinned me to the bed, straddled me and looked me right in the eyes. He looked angry, pissed even, and it scared me.

His face was hard and expressionless, a tear escaped from my eye and traveled down my face. His features softened as he wiped away the tear with his thumb, his eyes traveled down to my mouth with lust. I licked my lips unknowingly, he moved towards my face, his lips parting slowly. Oh my god he's going to kiss me! I leaned in until he suddenly pulled away and shook his head and headed right for the door. I sat up immediately, "Damon! Wait! Please, can't we talk," I pleaded desperately, how Pathetic.  He just kept walking, "DAMON!" I screamed. He turned around with that same stone cold expression, "Forget what happened last night. It was a mistake." Then he went downstairs and with the slam of my front door.

He was gone.

            I tried to chase after him, run down the stairs but then this feeling came upon me, and then it dawned on me. Oh shit my dream is ending! I felt my soul literally being sucked away, the pieces of my beautifully painting was being ripped away piece by piece. Black dots crowded my vision until I saw nothing. I was stuck in a black hole. Then a tiny white light appeared in the middle, it grew, and grew until the entire black space was gone and then...

            I woke up.

            I sat up in tears. Damon's words still rang in my ears, Forget what happened last night. It was a mistake. I sobbed loudly, "Why?" I yelled to the ceiling. My mom burst through the door dropping her suitcases on the ground. "Honey what's wrong?" She said genuinely concerned as she embraced me tightly while rubbing small circles on my back. I hugged back and cried into her shoulder. After I succeeded in drenching her shirt in snot and tears I pulled away and wiped my face with my hands. She tucked a piece of hair that was in my face into the back of my ear.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" What the hell was I supposed to tell her? Oh the guy in my dreams and I had sex and then he said it was a mistake? Yeah if I went with that reason I would earn myself a one way ticket to the loony bin. "I miss dad." I sniffled. My mom nodded in understanding, "I know, I know." My dad left when I was eight and honestly, I can't even remember what he looked like.

            "Hon, I have to get to the airport, are you sure you still want to drive me? I could just ask Molly--." I interrupted her, "Of course! Just give me ten minutes." She nodded and said to meet her in the car. I ran into the bathroom to survey the damage. My eyes were red and puffy, so were my nose, and my hair looked like a bunch of rats were dancing the salsa in it. Beautiful, I thought sarcastically to myself. After five minutes I managed to tame my hair into a neat ponytail, put a glob of concealer under my eyes, changed into a pair of faded jeans and a plain dark blue v-neck. I threw on a pair of converse and headed out to the car, grabbing my purse in the process. I wonder where Molly is...

 I got into the driver's seat and started the car, pulling into the road and driving onto the highway to the airport. My mom took the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel into hers, it relaxed me, and I guess I must've looked tense 'because my mom usually doesn't do this unless she knows something's wrong with me, which is a lot.

Sooner than expected, we got to the airport. I pulled into a parking space and followed my mom to the gate. She didn't say a word as she put her bags on the conveyer belt, until she headed to security then she turned and hugged me tightly, "I'm going to miss you so much! I promise to visit every month, I love you." I hugged back, kissed her cheek, and pulled away. I smiled at her, she did the same and went through security, waving and smiling at me every chance she got until she disappeared from my view. Then as I headed back to the car a wave of longing hit me. Great, I miss her already.

As I drove away from the airport I kept on looking at each plane that took off, praying silently that whichever plane she was on she would get to New York safely. I felt a mad case of the munchies come over me so I drove to Starbucks and Borders.

When I entered the cafe the strong smell of coffee hit my nose, I breathed in deeply, savoring the scent, and headed to the counter, a cute guy around my age with floppy brown hair and warm brown eyes to match took my order, "Hey, can I take your order?" He smiled at me, oh my gosh he had the most adorable dimples ever. Damon. My conscious stated. So, what? It's not like he's real right? My heart ached as I thought that. He's not real. I shook my head and ordered a frap. "What's your name?" He asked holding a sharpie and a coffee cup, "Autumn." I smiled. "Nice name." He winked and I sat down on a couch and read a magazine. When he called my name I went up and took my cup and noticed he wrote his number on it. I looked at him, he winked. I blushed and headed into Borders.

As I walked in I noticed a lady talking to a crowd of people. "The Government is still running these tests on young teen psychics!" What? Tests on teen what? I sat down on one of the empty chairs and listened. "In 1943 the government used psychic's to predict what the enemies next moves were, they did this by using 'remote viewing' the psychic's were able to project their souls to different places---." I rolled my eyes, threw away my cup, and left. What a crazy bitch. It's real, an unknown voice whispered in my head. What the hell? It must be my overactive imagination again. I shook that thought out of my mind and began driving back to Molly's place.

When I reached the house I hung my purse behind the door and head into my room. I shut the door and heard Molly talking to somebody right outside of it, probably her son. I lay down on my bed and turned on the T.V. "How's my baby Terrance?" She cooed. I muted the T.V. and began listening to Molly's conversation with Terrance, holding in my laughter. "Mom," He whined, "I told you to call me Terri." Then something in me clicked.


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