Diego vs Kevin...

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The scene opens to Kevin is enjoying drinks in his house.

"So finally I got rid of Sophia!!"

"Not so easily Kevin! I wont let you go." Sophia comes in the scene crying.

"Sophia! Leave my house now we are done!"

Diego is also present there.

"Treating your wife like this huh?"

"Diego! How dare you enter my house!" Kevin screams.

"Woah! When you can steal my girlfriend why cant I come to see you?"

"Anne and I are together!"

"You WERE!"

"Diego! Stop!" Screams Sophia.

"Kevin do you remember Dante? How you humiliated him!! He died later on!!"


"Yes he was my brother!!! You shall pay for it Kevin!!"

Diego takes out his gun and aims at Kevin but it touches Sophia as she comes in between....

And Sophia is dead!!!!!

Kevin is clueless and stoned.

He takes Sophia to hospital but Sophia could not make it upto it.....

Diego is still at Kevin's house...

"Kevin I have always loved you and no matter what you will be special for me. I wish you have a better life.Anne shall take good care of you..

I will always love you!"
Were Sophia's last words to Kevin

Stay tuned.....

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