"Miranda go have fun, I got this. Symphony and I will be fine. We are going to just hang, watch TV and have a couple of beers.

" You are not a funny man." Miranda said hitting his chest.

"I'm going to miss you. " Ben said hugging her and kissing her passionately.

" I'll miss you too." Miranda said hugging him back.

She went into Symphony's room and she looked at her sleeping before she left.

Ben helped take her bag to the car. Miranda got in and rolled the window down. " Okay call me if you need anything." She said as she looked at him. He leaned through the window and pecked her lips once more. "I will. I love you." Ben said

"I love you too." Miranda smiled as pulled out of the driver way.

Miranda got to Callie's and Arizona's house and she grabbed her bag out of the car. She saw cars in the driveway so she knew everyone was here. When she got inside she saw. Callie, Arizona, Teddy, and Addison. They were at the dinning table as Callie was setting the food on the table.

" You're are just in time for brunch And we have plenty of mimosas." Arizona said as she sat fruit down on the table.

" Oooh yes, let me wash my hands."

When she came out of the bathroom. She walked over to table and sat down, first grabbing a Mimosa.

" Aww Addison your back in town." Miranda questioned.

" Yeah I had time off since this was your original due date and I planned to be here to deliver your little one and I missed it." Addison said pouting.

" Oh. Yeah I forgot all about her original due date. Did you get the pictures I sent and I can't believe she is two months already." Miranda said holding her hands over her face in disbelief.

" Miranda? That is a nice rock on your hand. Oh my God he proposed." Addison said causing Teddy to look up as well.

"Yeah last Friday. I was so happy. " Miranda said smiling.

"I am so happy for you" Teddy said as she looked at her ring.

"Yeah he definitely has put a permanent smile or your face. You are not the serious, workaholic Bailey anymore." Callie chimed in.

" He has definitely changed me and I know at first it was a one night stand and I was still married and now it seems like we are rushing because we have only officially been together about 6 months; but, love is not about how many days, weeks, or months, you've been together. Its about how much you love each other every day. Being able to find someone who you click with so naturally is the best feeling ever. I feel like I have been best friends with him my whole life. It feels like I'm coming home because I'm so comfortable with him. Maybe that is what a soulmate is. Not someone who shares every single thing in common with you, but someone who feels like home. Home is wherever they are. " Miranda said crying and she looked around and saw everyone else shedding tears.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you all cry. I'm the one who's hormones are not in order." Miranda said laughing and wiping her eyes.

" No Miranda it's just beautiful. That's what Henry is to me. I need to stop denying that I love him." Teddy said wiping her eyes.

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