Ben went to go get Symphony and he walked with her to the kitchen counter. Miranda cut the stove off and turned around. "Good morning mommy's baby girl. You are so beautiful." Miranda cooed her and kissed her cheeks looking at her big brown eyes and her little smile.

"Ben breakfast is ready. I'll take her and feed her. You eat because you have to be to work in two hours." Ben sat at the counter and Miranda sat at the counter holding her baby in her arms and using her other hand to hold her bottle. Ben and Miranda talked and their laughs echoed in the room.

Ben feed Miranda since her hands were full. "You are so good to me." Miranda said smiling after she swallowed. "I would be even better to you if I was inside you." Ben said licking his lips. Miranda gasped and looked down at their baby.

" I want you so bad." Miranda said and she used her foot to rub his leg.

Miranda finished feeding the baby and Ben went to go shower and get dressed. Miranda loved surgery but she loved being at home with her baby more. After her milk finished drying up. She would be ready to go back to work. Ben walked out dressed and ready to go. " Bye Ben. I'll see you later tonight." Miranda said as she pecked him on the lips.

When Ben left she laid the baby down into the crib. And she went to clean up the kitchen. Miranda heard her phone ring and she jogged to go answer it.

" Hey Torres." Miranda said answering the phone

" Hey Bailey I was just checking on you. How are you and the little one."

" I am doing good. Symphony is doing great. I mean she is perfect. I love my little angel and our family. She is also a cock blocker but that's another story." Miranda said laughing.

" Oooh no sex? I'm surprised y'all haven't started back. You know you only have to wait six weeks." Callie said

" I knowwwww we just have been on different schedules and when we get time. Our little one is either sleep on top of Ben's chest or cries before we get started. I mean as soon as he pulls my underwear down she starts whaling" Miranda said frustrated "

" Okay too much info. But I'll help you out. I get off early today. I will take my niece for the night, so you can have your fun."

" Oh thankyou . I love you." Miranda said smiling.

" No problem."

" Okay great I will drop her off to you. Ben gets off at 7:30 so I will drop her off by six and I have a list of instructions but don't judge me." Miranda said talking fast smiling.

Miranda watched TV and let Symphony lay on her chest. She was such a good and happy baby. " You are such a good baby." Miranda said talking to her. "I can't wait for you to be in ballet class and music class. Gosh you are going to be so smart and gorgeous. Mommy can't wait for us to have mommy and daughter dates and all of our girl talks." Miranda said as she smiled.

Five o clock came and Miranda ran her bath water but she made sure it wasn't as hot like she normally would have it. She grabbed the baby bath and sat it up in the tub she was glad that she bought two different ones. She knew that she would love this infant height one. It was higher than normal. She could sat the baby in the tub and she wouldn't touch the water. Miranda grabbed Symphony and took her clothes off. Miranda took her clothes off and stepped into the tub. She put Symphony inside the baby tub and moved it so it was sitting in between her legs.

Miranda sat in the water for a while and she scope up some of the water and put it on her baby. She watched as her little feet kicked and Miranda laughed. She was precious. She knew she was going to have trouble with her not wanting to get out the tub in the future.

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