Befriended |Chapter 3|

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After reading your book you decided that you will befriend Xiao, you ask some people for the recipe of the Almond tofu and someone gave you the recipe! Which was a relief, you went to the kitchen in Wangshu Inn and ask help from the people there, after a few minutes you actually finish the food and thanked the people who helped you.

You went to the balcony where you saw Xiao you were kinda nervous about seeing him again, when you reached the area you see Xiao looking down at the view of Wangshu Inn.

You gulp and start to walk over to him, "Ehm.. Hi?" you started and said with a awkward smile. He turns around and saw you holding a plate of almond tofu.

"What are you doing here?" he said crossing his arms in his chest, you chuckled "well.. I was uhh... Gonna give you this..? I think?" he rose a brow and looks at you confused. "Ah... Ehm... I mean, This is yours! I made it." you said while smiling but you were feeling very nervous when you found out his a vigilant yaksha.

He takes the plate you were handing him, he takes a bite and sighs, "What do you need?" . "Oh nothing I just wanna talk with you." you said with a smile. He groans, "What are we gonna talk about, mortal?" . "Uhm... Well first of all Xiao, I have a name! My name is Y/n!" you said crossing your arms, "And second.. I don't know what to talk about" you said scratching the back of your head trying to figure out what you guys are gonna talk about.

He groans in annoyance, "So you don't even know what to talk about? How pathetic.." he said taking another bite on the almond tofu, "Well... Isn't that how you..." you hesitated if you should continue the sentence or not.." Befriend someone...?" you said not looking where the direction xiao's at.

"You..." he groans again as he takes another bite, "A mortal? Want to be friends with me?" , "well.. Ehm.... Yeah I guess..?"

"Tsk,I can't believe it..." he sighs, "Go now, You're just wasting your time... I mean... Asking an adeptus to become friends? tsk, pathetic.." he groan and rolled his eyes.

A disappointed face pours all over your face , "well I guess I can't force a vigilant yaksha to become friends with me right..?" you sigh and turned around leaving xiao on the balcony still biting into the almond tofu you made.

He looks behind you and check if you're still there, but you weren't.
Xiao sighs and looks back at the view at Wangshu isn't balcony as he bites the last piece of the almond tofu you made.

He closes his eyes and all the bad memories happend in the past went back at him giving him shivers, but he didn't mind at all, after all he's used to it.

I was walking outside wangshu inn still disappointed that I didn't get to befriend Xiao, "Help! Someone help me!!" i heard a girl yell, I tried to look where the voice came from, I saw a young girl getting attacked by Hilichurls.

I sprint towards the girl, I attacked the Hilichurls using my (weapon)
The hilichurls died, but there were more coming so i told the girl the run away for her safety. I used your elemental burst to kill the Hilichurls and Mitachurls.

I breathe heavily trying to catch your breathe, I remembered something.


Y/n tried to fight a whole gang of treasure hoarders, but they were too strong you were too weak. You did fight off all the treasure hoarders but after that you fainted.

You wake up seeing barbara infront of you, "Dear Y/n! Your finally awake." Barbara said to you holding her hand on her chest, you tried to get up but barbara stopped you pushing you back to lay down.

"Y/n stay there, I just healed you but your wounds are not fully healed.."
You look at your arms and legs which were covered with thick layers of bandages. You saw someone went in it was albedo, "Albedo! So how was the research of Y/n??" Barbara simply asked albedo.

"Well, base on the test results, she have weak lungs which means she gets tired easily, she needs to stop tiring herself or else she wouldn't be able to breathe properly." albedo answered Barbara's question.

"Agh?!" Barbara said it shock holding a hand on her chest, "Oh Dear Barbatos, please don't let anything happen to poor Y/n!" barbara stated, "I can deal with anything else but that!!" Barbara yelled why sitting on the ground still pure shock, Barbara has been your best friends for years already. She wouldn't dare if anything bad happens to you.

"Y/n..." albedo goes near you, "don't tire yourself too much.." Albedo said Pattinv your head, "You mean... I can't be that free anymore..?" , Albedo said nothing but a sigh left his lips. "I need to go now, Bye Barbara, Bye Y/n.." albedo said leaving at the door.

Barbara gets up and hugs you crying, "Y/n! You shouldn't have fought those stupid treasure hoarders! Now look what happend!!" Barbara said in like a Angry tone, the fact that you and barbara was an Inseparable bestfriends made people think that your the little sister of her, but in real life you two aren't related and your quite older than her.

Third person POV:
You took a deep breath, inhale and exhale lots of time, you fell on the ground as your eyes slowly starts to shut down..

You slowly open your eyes, seeing a completely different place, you tried to sit slowly and rub your eyes and see Xiao standing with crossed arms, "Your awake now." , as you vision finally focused Xiao starts to sit to the bed your sitting on, "how are you feeling?" he asked but he looks like he didn't actually care.

"I'm fine, I think?" you said back looking at your arms, " should've called my name when you were fighting those Hilichurls.... I could've helped you.." he said slowly, trying to put the words together.

You were surprised how a Adeptus say that to you, "Call your name?" you asked raising a brow.

He looks at you with narrowed eyes and saying "... your not from Liyue are you..?" . "I'm actually from mondstadt, I just wanted to visit liyue for the first time." you said innocently.

He let's out a sigh, "I accept." . You were confused, what does he mean "I accept" ??. "What?" you answered.

"I accept your friendship with me, but don't think I'll be easy on you... I'll still act like your nothing to me... But if I haven't found you laying on the ground a few meters away fron wangshu inn...." he sighs again, "I'll be your friend, Y/n." he said crossing his arms looking at you deadly at the eyes.

You face suddenly turned into a happy face and hugged him, he prys you off, "Don't do that, I don't like hugs." he said with a annoyed face.

"Oh sorry" you said shrugging

"Go, take a rest." he pushes your shoulders making you fall back, giving you a blanket.

"Goodnight Xiao."

He didn't say anything and just disappeared with Green and black flashes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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