☆ Part 6 ☆

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I hope that you'll listen to the song while or after reading this part. On my thoughts it fits amazing and I truly love it! xx

For a while I was just staring at the door that Charles had disappeared through. He had no idea how hard he hit me with his words... I felt empty inside, I lost Charles, but I also lost Marc. There wouldn't be any late night chats anymore, not waking up with a message from him, no arguments, no jokes, no nothing... A tear rolled down my cheek, but I resolutely wiped it away. I was not going to cry over a guy who treated me like this. I felt the urge to throw my phone through the room, but I dropped it on the table and wanted to walk away.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. At first I wanted to ignore it, but when it kept ringing I looked at the screen. It was Franz Tost, the team principal of AlphaTauri! I regretted that I didn't pick up my phone immediately when it started ringing. Quickly I accepted the call. ''Mrs. Gasly! Sorry for calling you this late, but well, I wanted to talk with you and I didn't have the patience to wait until tomorrow.'' Mr. Tost said without giving me the chance to say hello. ''Don't worry about it, Mr. Tost.''
''Please, call me Franz.'' He told me and I could tell from his voice that he was smiling. ''Please just call me Camille then. My brother is 'the Gasly'.'' I joked and tried to smile too, but the hassle with Charles pressed on my chest like a big and heavy rock. ''You're a Gasly too and you belong in our team.'' Franz said to me and miraculously he made me smile anyway. ''Thank you, Franz. I'm really glad that I belong in the AlphaTauri team.''
''Scuderia AlphaTauri Honda.'' He corrected me, but I was sure that he was still smiling. ''I'm sorry, you're totally right.'' I laughed and he did too. ''But let's focus on why I called you.'' Franz said and turned back seriously. I was really curious, but tried to hide it as well as possible. ''I wanted to invite you in my office.'' I had no idea what I had expected that he was going to say, but this definitely wasn't what I expected. ''You mean in Italy?'' I asked, a little confused. ''Yes, that's what I mean.'' He answered. ''I'm now at Pierre's home, it will take me a few hours to fly to Faenza.''
''There is no hurry.'' Franz said and then something came up in my mind. ''In two weeks Pierre and I will go to Dubai together with Charles, Pyry (Pyry Salmela // Pierre's trainer) and Andrea (Andrea Ferrari // Charles' trainer).'' I was really looking forward to that trip, but now I became a little nauseous when I only thought about spending so much time with Charles. Pierre will do a six week training program, but the first week will be only about relaxing and having fun. ''Pierre said that he needed to stop by the factory in Faenza for a moment. I can come to your office then if that's possible for you too.''
''That sounds like a good solution! When will you be in Italy then?''
''We will leave in two weeks, so we will be at the factory on the 26th of December.'' I told him. ''Give me a second, I'll take a look in my agenda.'' It was silent for a few seconds, the only thing I heard was Franz who was flipping through his agenda. ''I have time for you at 1pm. Is that okay for you?'' He asked me then. ''That's totally fine!'' I answered and my excitement started to grow. ''You are not going to tell me where this is about, right?''
''I'm not going to tell you anything before the 26th indeed, but don't worry. You're not in trouble.'' Franz said laughing. ''I'll see you then?''
''You'll see me then.'' I answered and we ended the call.

What did he want from me? I was really wondering about that and I catched myself with a smile on my face. It sounded pretty important, I mean he wouldn't ask me to come to his office if this is about nothing. I wanted to go upstairs to tell Pierre about it, but realized then that Charles will be there too. Charles, who fell in love with me online, who didn't want any contact anymore, who broke me, who didn't want to tell my brother about any of this... I was not going to let him stop me. I took a deep breath and walked upstairs, on my way to the new fitness room.

~ Charles Leclerc ~

Pierre showed me all the equipment in his new fitness room. I'll be honest, it looked amazing, but my mind wasn't at the same place as my body was. I kept thinking about what happened between Camille and me, I kept thinking about all the things I should have done differently, I kept thinking about what an idiot I was... ''Are you alright?'' Pierre asked me and he really looked concerned. I didn't want to lie to him, I never lied to him. ''Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lil tired after the season and everything you know.'' I answered while looking at my feet. ''I get it mate, I'm tired too.'' Pierre said and patted my shoulder. I looked up at him, into his eyes that I knew so well. Into the face that I knew so well. I looked at my best friend who has always been there for me and will always be, I lied to him... I was messing everything up, why did I? We heard a knock on the door and when we both looked up Camille opened the door. I looked her in the eyes, but she broke our eye contact almost instantly. ''You want to do a trainings session with us?'' Pierre joked when she walked in. We are trying for a long time now to let her train with us, but she still refuses. ''No, I don't.'' Said Camille, as I expected. ''Sorry for leaving you alone downstairs, we will be back in-''
''Franz Tost called me.'' She interrupted her brother. We both looked surprised. What I mean by that is that Pierre looked truly surprised and I acted like I was. ''Oh really? What did he say?'' Pierre sounded really excited and a smile played on Camille's lips. ''Let's go downstairs, then you can tell everything.'' Pierre suggested.
''It isn't that much.'' Camille said, but Pierre wanted to take time for what she was going to tell. I bit my lips, I really had to treat her the same as Pierre does. While we walked downstairs I was preparing myself for acting surprised. I didn't want her or Pierre to notice that I wasn't surprised about what she was going to say.

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