Revenge of the Baby

Start from the beginning

"I didn't," Theodore said in a low, scratchy voice. His eyes flashed red.

"AHH! RUN!" Lizzie screamed. She sprinted out of the kitchen, her hair streaming back. Lizzie looked over her shoulder. Maxi was waddling slowly. "Running..." he said. He collapsed on the tiles. "Running..." he murmured sleepily.

Lizzie ran back, grabbed Maxi's scruff and dragged him behind her. Where could she go? She stepped into the bathroom, but it wouldn't be safe for long.

"I knew this day would come sooner or later," Maxi said grimly. He wriggled out of Lizzie's grip and climbed onto the toilet seat. With an evil glint in his eye, Maxi pulled the lid off the tank of the toilet. He pulled out detailed maps of the house and long sheets covered in writing.

"What is THAT?" Lizzie asked.

"Battle plans," Maxi told her. "Now here's what we do. We run out the door and into the upstairs closet. Babies can't climb stairs."

Something crashed into the door and it shook. "Okay," Lizzie agreed quickly. She scooped up Maxi, who clutched the maps and battle plans tightly with his claws. Lizzie unlocked the bathroom door and charged out.

"Through the living room!" Maxi instructed. Lizzie dashed down the hallway and stopped dead. The furniture was all in different places. Theodore must have rearranged it, and now he was hovering in their only path through the living room.

"Over the couch," Maxi whispered. He waved a paw towards the sofa, which had its back to them. Without another thought, Lizzie scrambled up the back of the sofa, Maxi close behind.

Agatha was sleeping on the couch-oops! Lizzie stood on the old woman's face as she leaped to the floor, grabbed Maxi again and ran up the stairs. They sat on the top step, gasping for breath. "We'll be sage up here," Maxi panted.

Theodore appeared at the bottom of the stairs, red eyes flashing. "Ha-ha, can't get us!" Maxi chanted.

A frown appeared on Theodore's face and he started rising slowly, hovering above the stairs. "RUN!" Maxi said. They dashed around the corner and into the hall closet. Lizzie pulled the door shut behind them.

Maxi squinted at his battle plans in the dim light of the closet. "So here's the plan," he told her. "See that laundry hamper you're sitting in? Well get one of your mom's bras out."

"WHAT? Why?" Lizzie gasped.

"Well, you can use it to slingshot me at the baby, then I attack it."

Lizzie quickly went through the hamper. "There's no bras in here," she said.

"Well get one from her room!" Maxi said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't know where my mom keeps her bras!" Lizzie exclaimed.

"You don't pay attention to that kind of stuff?" Maxi gasped.

"You DO?"

Maxi waved her question aside with his paw. "We'll just have to use Agatha's," he declared.

"MAXI! What if my parents come home and find us?" Lizzie cried.

"What if your parents come home and we're already dead?" Maxi countered.

"How about we forget the slingshot and you just fight the baby?" Lizzie suggested.

"Yes! And then we tie it up with your mom's bra!" Maxi said happily.

"Maxi, NO."


The baby pounded on the door of the closet. "I must fight for what is noble and just," Maxi declared and flung himself out of the closet.

What followed was a terrible battle. The writhing pair clawed and smacked each other and hisses and screams echoed down the stairs. Fur flew. Lizzie worried for Maxi's safety.

Finally, Maxi was holding Theodore on the ground with his claws. Lizzie tied the baby up with the cord from a hair dryer. She heard her parents come in. "Uh oh," Maxi said.

They went downstairs, where Agatha was peacefully snoring. The old woman later told Lizzie's parents a strange tale of how the baby had been possessed by a demon, had attacked Agatha and she bravely fought him off, trashing the house. This was close enough to the truth for Maxi and Lizzie, so they nodded and agreed.

The next day, Lizzie posted an ad on eBayby and Theodore was sold to a kind family. This was almost the end of the story for Maxi and Lizzie, except for the news article they found the next day...


DUN DUN DUUUUNN.............................

PS- This won't be continued. It's a short story.

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