Revenge of the Baby

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  • Dedicated to Cindy.....who wrote all the funny bits.

Hey guys! This is just a short story I made with my friend for school, and I thought I would put it on here. Don't be fooled by the seriousness at the gets dumber the more you read. :)

Enjoy! -Arwen.

It was night time, and the lab was dark. The professor was working on 'The Project', coloured smoke filling the room. The screams and cries of babies rang out as he compared test tubes, muttering to himself.

Suddenly one of the babies gave a bone chilling scream and struggled with its bonds. It had reached The Surge. But the professor was not ready yet! He filled a needle with green liquid and plunged it into the arm of the baby. The small body went limp. Never again would it scream.

Unknown to the professor, in a dark corner of the lab, another baby reached The Surge. It struggled free of its bonds and rose slowly.

A monster was born.

Meanwhile, in a quiet, sunny neighbourhood, six-year-old Lizzie woke up on a Saturday morning and lay in bed, savouring the warm sunshine on her face. It was ruined by her cat Maxi leaping onto her head. Maxi wasn't the skinniest of cats. He was a little...chunky.

The front door opened and Lizzie heard her parents come in. "Lizzie, come here, we have a surprise for you," called her mother.

Lizzie ran down the stairs to the door, Maxi waddling behind. "Too...tired..." he gasped, flopping on the carpet.

"Oh be quiet," Lizzie said. Her parents didn't believe her, but Maxi and Lizzie could talk to each other.

"Yes, we have a surprise for you," Lizzie's mother said. She held out a blob of blue blankets.

"Is it a Barbie?" Lizzie asked excitedly.

"No," her father told her.


"It's a baby!" her mother said happily.

"A BabyAlive?" Lizzie continued.

"No sweetie, an actual baby,"


"I'll get you a BabyAlive for Christmas," Maxi assured her.

That night, Lizzie lay in bed, thinking about her new brother. Her parents had always wanted another child, but they had been waiting, because they wanted to adopt a baby from a poor country. The baby came from Ethiopia or something like that, and was already six months old.

Lizzie's parents were both on night shift and an elderly babysitter named Agatha was deeply sleeping on the couch. Lizzie couldn't sleep, so she went to check on the baby, who her parents had called Theodore. Maxi walked behind, his fat belly swinging and jiggling. "Hey Theodore," Lizzie said, looking into the crib. It was empty.

Lizzie ran downstairs to tell Agatha. "Where's Theodore?" she cried. Agatha answered with a loud snore. "Never mind," Lizzie said glumly.

She went into the kitchen and found Theodore lying on the kitchen counter. "What are you doing there?" Lizzie gasped. She put Theodore in Maxi's Jolly Jumper and got a glass of water.

Maxi meowed alarmingly. "What, Maxi?" Lizzie said.

"Umm..." Maxi said casually. "Just thought I should tell you...there's like, an evil baby behind you...holding a VERY sharp knife..."

"What are you talking about?" Lizzie spun around. Theodore was running towards her, waving a butter knife.

"When did you learn to walk?" Maxi asked sleepily.

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