Chapter One: A. M. Today (Sato)

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And I was falling...
The sun was shining.
Someone's screaming.
Another one's laughing.
I was quiet with tears running down my cheeks but my heart was full of peace.
At least, I've saved him.

I fell on the floor from my desk and realized that I might have fallen asleep reading again. It wasn't something new with me. Just like my dream...

I stood up and looked at the clock to check what time it is but stopped before I saw the time because I got distracted by the light peaking through my window.

I guess it's early enough to wake up so I walked over to my window, opened the curtains and looked at the outside world.

I love staying inside my room. I would rather be here all day but there's something about the sunrise that I'm drawn to. It almost makes me forget my weird dreams.

After a few minutes, I finally heard some shuffling of feet outside my door which means that everyone's also starting to wake by now. I stretched my stiff body and inhaled deeply.

It's the first day of summer. Bring the crazy right in so I can finally rest in peace with my books!

I giggled to myself and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth then I heard someone open the door to my room.

"Sato..." My mom called out for me while my mouth was full of toothpaste foam so I wasn't able to answer right away.

I heard her light footsteps while she probably pulled my blanket off my bed to see if I was there. Discovering that I'm not lying on my bed under my blanket while snoring loudly, she's probably looking at my desk by now. Finding that one of my books is lying down open on top of my table, she finally concludes that I'd be in the-

"Done brushing your teeth?" My mother asked me with a smile. I love how her smile is so bright just like her always shiny blonde hair.

"Yup. Why are you here?." I smiled after I rinsed my mouth.

"Good." She walked over to my bed and sat there while waiting for me to follow her. "Are you okay? Did you have the dreams again?"

She knows about the dreams.

I can't remember when my first dream happened but I remember the moment I shared with my mother that started me on the literary road.

I remember my six year old self telling her my dream which involves a girl my age with the same hair and eyes walking through the woods and slowly growing up while chasing someone or something. After telling my mother about the dream, she told me that I don't have to worry because I only have an active imagination just like my father. It made me feel happy because my father's a writer and I always wanted to be like him.

I've always been told that I look like my father because of my brown hair and black irises. I'm a big daddy's girl so as soon as my mother left my room that day, I grabbed a pen and started drawing lines on paper as if I was writing my own stories just like my father.

After a month and I was still having the same dreams, my mother finally brought me to a doctor to check on what might be wrong with me but in the end, the doctor just gave her a "you can breath now" look because nothing was wrong with my medical tests. The doctor even joked that maybe, the dreams might be my own memories from my past lives which made my mom laugh while reprimanding the doctor to not make my head more out of the ordinary and stop putting bizarre ideas in my head.

When I turned twelve, I had the idea that, maybe, if I wrote my dreams down on a journal, they would leave me alone but now that I'm already seventeen, turning eighteen soon, those dreams still visit me regularly.

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