part 3

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I woke up to my alarm clock ringing for some reason I set up yesterday. 8:03 am? I thought to myself, I turned it off and went back to sleep. I woke up again eleven and decided to help my mom unpack down stairs. We started in the kitchen. Putting away all of the sliverwear , plates, bowls, etc...

"Mom?" I asked her she replied with a 'hm' looking up from bottom of the almost empty box. "Can Erik come over?"

"Oh my gosh sweetie, yes of course he can."

"Thanks mo-" I was cut off by my mom asking if I like Erik, you know more than a friend. I told her I just met him yesterday and he is the first real friend I made here. Even though I did move here yesterday, literally. She told me to go to the store and get snacks, food and drinks handing me her credit card. I went in my black jeep and drove to the nearest store, which we are not far from. I got everything down to new toothbrushes. I already knew Eriks favorite snacks and drinks, which I got.

I get home and my mom helps me unpack the groceries. We try to put things away organized but we got most of the stuff done in the house yesterday. Like usual Jack is in his room, and not helping. Should I ask if wants to come outside with Erik and I? No he can come if he wants to plus I doubt he would hangout with Erik, being two years older than him.

I went upstairs to get ready in a dark blue set bathing suit over that I put a white tee on and jean shorts. I walk down stairs to see Erik and Lyle talking to my mom. Erik is wearing a pink bathing suit with a white tee and Lyle is wearing a dark green bathing suit with a black tee.

"Hey guys." I said while walking down stairs.

"Hey R I brought Lyle over too I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no not at all" I said looking Erik and looking over to Lyle "I can go get Jack?" I said to Lyle while pointing up stairs with my thumb.

"Um sure."

"Okay I'll be right back." I said looking at both Erik and Lyle.

I go upstairs to find a sleeping Jack, again. Why is he so tried it's almost two pm. I woke up Jack, annoying as usual and told him that Erik, Lyle and I will be outside by the pool and for him to come so Lyle wasn't alone. He shook his head yeah and said I'll be down in ten minutes.

I walk back down stairs to see Erik, Lyle and my mom still holding conversation. I think about college? I have no idea the conversation stopped when they heard me walk down the stairs.

"Jack said he will be down in ten minutes. Sorry I would have woke him up sooner if I knew you were coming over."

"Woke him up? He is stilling sleeping" Lyle asked with a laugh.

"Yeah I don't even know why it's two." I replied to Lyle and starting to walk to the kitchen with both of the boys on my side. "Anyways let's go outside? Or do you guys want something to eat or drink first."

"I don't think you can eat something before swimming R." Erik said to me.

"I'm pretty sure that's a lie." I said while walking in front of both Erik and Lyle to my backyard.

We sit on the outside patio furniture, kind of waiting for Jack but not at the same time. I get to talk to Lyle for the ten minutes that I have with him before jack comes down. I asked if we should go in the pool instead of waiting for in the hot summer sun for Jack because he is taking forever to get changed into swimming trunks. We took off our clothes and put them where we were sitting.

I went to go feel the water with my feet so I would know what I'm about to jump into, until Jack comes out of no where and pushes me into the pool.

"Jack what the hell!!" I yelled while regaining my breath.

"That's for kicking me while I'm sleeping, idiot."

"Ugh you're such a moron. Are you guys going to watch me or come in."

They gave each other a look before I knew it all three of them came running and jumping right next to me getting water everywhere. We played games like five year olds, Marco Polo, Sharks and Minnows, chicken fights. The chicken fights game was not fair at all, Lyle was on Jacks and I was on Eriks shoulders. Lyle pushed me down without having to try, I think he was cheating and called him out on it. He said "You're weak, don't blame me because you aren't strong. Now except it and stop being such a sore loser." I rolled my eyes in response.

We did swim races and I won. Oh did I not mention that I am an amazing swimmer? Jack lost because he sucks at everything but basketball. Erik and Lyle were pretty good at swimming but they didn't beat me, as much as they tried to.

I haven't spent a day like this with my brother since our dad died. I felt like when he died some of my brother did too. I try to make Jack do things with me but it's never the same as it was with dad. He spends time with his friends, as much as he can. I now think of it , it was the house, it held so many memories of my dad. It hurt to let go, our dads home, our home. I cried the night before we left but not loud so Jack or my mom would hear it was a whisper cry. I was letting my dad ago and I hated it but I was happy at the same time because I needed to move on but I know he will always be with me.

We got out of the pool and Lyle and Jack were talking again, not including Erik or me in the conversation. Erik and I went back into the pool when Jack and Lyle were talking about god knows what.

We picked up poolfloats in the pool house my mom blew up for us. A purple swan and a duck, those were the only ones blown up. I had to pick the duck because Erik beat me to the purple swan. We put the pool floats in the water, ran back and tried to jump on them. We both missed so bad, we blamed it on the wind. The little light breezy.

An hour later Jack and Lyle were no where do be found. I can't even remember when they left. Erik and I were having so much fun together we forgot about them. It was crazy that we became friends so fast. My mom called us out of the pool because she made us lunch and we ate and talked about the most random things ever. We had even more in common. We talked about the new movie 'Child's Play' that is coming out in November. We talked until we both realized it was almost dark outside.

We decided to watch 'A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.' to get scared. We made popcorn, got sodas and loads of candy that I bought earlier today. Erik was shocked that I remembered his favorite candy, like he didn't go into deep detail about why he loved it so much. We went into my room to watch the movie, I put in the dvd in. We went on to the bed and I pulled the blanket on top of us.

AN: I do not know this movie so I will guess and make up my own stuff.

So don't get mad at me

Thanks bye bye.

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