part 2

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"Wow." Jack and I say in unison.

My mom gives the driver a tip. The house is like every house you would see on tv and immediately know it's a California house. It's bigger than my old house but not much. After taking the view we got interpreted by the movers moving in our stuff into the house. My mom shows them where everything is going to go. Jack and I go inside through the house to the backyard, with a long deck, there is a pool, a tennis court with more of the Lorax green grass.

Jack and I picked our rooms, I get the slightly bigger one since I'm the girl. But Jack didn't care as much as I thought he would. My room is in the back right corner of the house. I can see my neighbors window too.

I walk down to the front lawn to see my mom talking to what seems like a neighbor. She had white short/medium hair looked around 5,5 maybe 5,4. My mom called me over and introduced me to our neighbor kitty she lives right next door, we live left of them. She told me that she has two sons Erik who is 17 and Lyle who is 20. I told her my age which is also 17 and she informs me that Erik and I are in the same grade and going to the same school.

"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? You and your family? I can cook chicken? And we can get to know each other?" Kitty asks my mom.

"Yes we would love to come over for dinner, what time should we come over?"

"Let's say seven?"

"Seven is prefect in fact I make a-" my mom says while getting cut off

"Kitty where are you?" Jose yells walking outside from the front door do there house.

"I'm sorry Jen and Riley I have to go Jose needs me but please come over at seven" kitty says while walking away.

"See aren't they nice. And there is a boy that is ur age his name is Erik."

"How do I know if they are nice if I only met the mom?"

"Well I guess we will see at 7 if they really are or not"

"Okay mom I'm going to go unpack my room." I said walking into the house.

"Love you." My mom screams. I scream an love you back.


I put away mostly clothes in my closet, my clothes were the majority of my boxes. The movers moved everything into my room. My bed, mattress, carpets, vanity, dresser, they hung up the tv and everything is built too. I only had time to put my clothes away before getting ready for the dinner.

I wore high waisted mom jeans with a white crop top and a black checkered flannel with my white converse. I put on some make up and sprayed my vanilla perfume. When I walked down stairs Jack was wearing a yellow tee with khakis and black converse. My mom wore long shorts with a white long button shirt with tennis shoes.

We walk over to the house next to us and we were greeted bye kitty seconds after knocking. She introduced us to Jose, her husband. Lyle and Erik who were both very attractive and very nice gentleman. We talked among ourselves. Jack and Lyle talked together because they were the same age and both go to college. Erik and I talked for most of the night we have a lot of things in common. I can already tell that we would be best friends soon.

"Alright alright your.. favorite dog breed?" Erik asks

"Easy, ready?"

"Yeah, one.. two... three"

"Boxer" we say in unison.

"No effing way. Are you copying me?" I ask while drinking my water.

"No you are copying me."

"No I am not."

"Well Ri I was born first." he says popping a piece of chicken in his mouth.

"That has nothing to do with what is happening here Erik."

"Maybe you have been spying on me. Ri if you are blink twice." He says staring into my face.

"Oh Erik shut up." I say hitting his arm playfully.

I can tell Erik is strong just by me hitting his arm. He is very attractive too. He has brown curly hair, blue eyes, a nice ass jaw line. When he laughed and put his head back his jaw line would really get defined. He is wearing a pink shirt with jeans and white tennis shoes. And he also has style.

We say our goodbyes and thank the Menendez family for having us over. I gave kitty a complement on her food, hugged her, Jose, Erik and Lyle. Lyle and I didn't really talk that much, he was busy talking to Jack and I was having too much fun with Erik. Erik and I have a lot more in common than we thought.

I go back into my room take a shower, brush my teeth, take off my makeup and get ready for bed. I changed into blue sweatpants and a white tee. When I was about to close the door to my deck when I saw Erik changing. I had no idea my room was right next to his, lined up perfectly, window to window. I didn't mind. I stared at him changing his shirt, his toned abs with his lightly tanned skin. Until he saw me staring at him. He pointing to his deck so I walked out on to mine.

"So you are spying on me?" He said leaning his elbows on his side of his deck closet to mine.

"No I wasn't I was closing my deck door and you were just there." I said mirroring what he was doing.

"So you weren't watching me change?" He asked titling his head and cups his hands together.


"I think you were but I'll let it slide Ri."

"Hm um okay E."


"U call me Ri so I'll call you E but only me though no one else can."

"I'll call you R then and only me no one else."


"Did you like the dinner?"

"I loved the dinner but I didn't get to talk to Lyle at all he was talking to Jack basically the whole time."

"Oh so I was back up." He said jokingly held heart.

"Okay E but we should hangout and not at a family dinner."


"Come over? We can swim?"

"What time?"

"Hm two." I said answering his question. "But I really need to sleep jet lag."

"Goodnight, R."

"Goodnight, E."

I close my deck door and look at the window where I was caught by Erik not even five minutes ago to him waving at me so of course I waved back. After I went to into bed and fell asleep at my new house in Beverly Hills.


AN: sup b words

Anyways hope you like it

ITS BORING I KNOW PLEASE but it's wait and trust me...thanks

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