Chapter 1

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At first, it was dark and black, a never-ending abyss then memories of my life started replaying. If this was the end of the sorrowful life I lived in this human vessel, I welcomed it. Death was my only escape from this life.

I was sitting in my mind, it was like an open-top box, I was watching my inner child trying to escape from the box, it was slowly getting smaller. Years after years, it was closing in on me and I was suffocating but the pain, I welcomed it. I mean it was what I deserved after all.

I was comatose for 3 days. Lying in my dried blood, it seemed as though I was viewing myself from the outside though I was in my mind. I felt like I was ran over a million times and at the brink of death, I was then shoved into a shredder where I was torn apart like I was useless, having no value but to be shredded and long forgotten in the race of life.

Hearing the devil and his spawn in the living room, laughing to their heart's content, brought fresh tears to my battered face that was covered in sweat and dried blood.

" Skyyyyyy!". My stepmother shrieked like I wasn't in the next room beside her but rather across the street.

'" Yes Jade'. I whispered because of the merciless squeezing I received to my throat by none other than the devil himself, my own father.

" SKYLAR ". Jade shrieked again as she came storming into the kitchen, where I laid still on the floor, too afraid to move because of how badly I was beaten. My stomach felt like I was ran over by 100 trains at once because of how my stepmother stomped into my stomach, leaving bluish-blackish marks that were tender to the touch. Burn marks were on full display on my arms. Oh, how I must be a statue depicting a victim of abuse. Stab wounds on my legs as if I was meat that was cut and left for the seasoning to marinate.

" Don't you hear me calling you, you stupid bitch"? Jade said as she knelt, grabbing a fistful of my hair, and banged my head onto the marble floor.

"AHHHHHHH". I screamed out in agony as I felt immense pain in my forehead. My wounds ached by the abrupt motion caused by my stepmother.

" I was calling you for over 30 minutes now to boil some water for me but nooo your in here sleeping the day away, you ungrateful whore. Since you didn't do it for me and I had to do it myself, I no longer want the boiling water you can have it". Jade said in a mocking voice.

With no chance to react to what she had said, I felt a burning sensation on my back. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". I screamed out, my skin felt like it was peeling off and the pain that followed resonated within my soul. I couldn't bare anymore of this torture even though I was in no way shape or form to even crawl. I gathered the little strength I have left and got up and ran to the stairs to go to my room. I was determined that I wasn't going to die like this only to be grabbed by my hair and flung into the wall. My body was tired, heck I'm tired. My wounds throbbed as my body came in contact with the wall.

" Where you going? the fun's just getting started". My father smirked as he grabbed a knife and began advancing towards me while my stepmother laughed at the sight.

" NO... No please dad... I'm sorry... I won't do it again". I uttered as chills ran up my spine and as fear washed over me as I tried not to break down in tears of what my life has come to.

" HOLD HER HANDS" My father shouted to my stepmother. She got up swiftly and grabbed my hands pinning me down. I began to retaliate and started kicking with my feet as my father approached me with a glint in his eyes like he was about to do a masterpiece. He knelt beside me and in one swift motion sat on my legs and used the knife to tear off my shirt.

Fear pooling inside of me as thoughts of what he would do enter my mind. I wanted to back away but I couldn't as I was rendered useless by the two people that should have loved and nurtured me. My father began carving words into my skin. I screamed out but there was no sound but a raspy whisper, I could only cry as my screams only fell on deaf ears. Each letter that was carved brought fresh tears to my eyes as the blood appeared on my skin and ran down the side, where it began pooling on the floor.

As my father mercilessly etched more words into my skin, a knock was heard at the door, and immediately jade and my father froze. I thanked whoever was behind the door because I didn't know how long I could bare anymore without succumbing to the black, perilous abyss which welcomed me daily. A knock was heard again reminding us that someone was at the door, no one moved as if we were stuck in time. Seizing this opportunity to escape with this newfound determination, I sprang up and sprinted towards the door. As if they snapped out of their daydream, realizing what I was doing.

"STOP.....WHERE ARE YOU GOING?". They shouted at the same time. No time to look back, I yanked the door open and ran into a broad chest and fell. As if all the energy I had seeped out, I fell to the ground, welcoming the dark abyss that plagued my consciousness. Although I was shirtless at this point I didn't care, I just wanted it all to end and to greet my mother on the other side who have been waiting for me for far too long, the thought of meeting her made me succumb to the darkness.

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