1 . one

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5th of June 2021, Saturday

A black haired man was walking down the street to go back to his apartment. He just back from work at Seungmo's Café.

It's a dog cafe. Lots of dog lovers come to the cafe. It's so exciting to see clean and stray dogs, all taken care of there.

"Hah, it's a tiring day~" said the man as he looked up at the sky.

"Meow~" the boy looked down to his feet. There sat a white cat looking up at him with its head tilted.

"Oh hello" the boy sat infront of the cat and rubbed it. The white cat purred leaning into the boy's touch.

The cat's fur is very dirty. The boy though if he brings the cat home, kkami might not be okay with it.

"Are you alone, Kitty?" he asked.


"Maybe Minho hyung will take you if I ask him to. Lemme call him okay?" he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Minho's number.

Tut Tut .. Tut Tu-

"What do you want?"

"I just wanna ask you something.."

"What is it? If the question is where Jisung is, he's right here with me, Hyun"

"No, not that. I know he's with you but you think,.. Do you wanna have another cat?"

"Soonie, Doongie and Dori are enough for me. Why?"

"Oh it's just.. I've found a stray cat here and thought that you can take care of it cuz I guess Kkami will not accept it in our apartment" he said while he rubbed the cat's head.

"You can try it first. We all don't know if Kkami will be okay about it right? So what's the matter? Just try it first" the other line said.

"Yeah you're right. Maybe I should try to bring it back. Thanks hyung!"

"Yeah yeah.. anything for you"

After that, Minho hung up. Hyunjin put his phone back in his pocket and looked down again at the cat.

"Let's go home Kitty~" he picked up the cat and carried it like a baby. He doesn't care if his clothes will get dirty cuz he need to take a shower too.


Hyunjin unlocked the door and opened it revealing Kkami. Kkami was playing with its toys now running to Hyunjin who was walking in.

He put Kitty on the floor and the cat hid behind Hyunjin, afraid about Kkami the dog.

"Hey Kkami~ Are you okay if I bring back a friend for you?" he sat down infront of Kkami to give a peck on its head.

"Roof Woof!" Kkami said and it rolled on the floor as Hyunjin rubbed its stomach. Kkami stuck out its tongue.

"Oh! So you're just okay with it? Aww I love you so much Kkami! You're the best!" he said and leaned down to give Kkami a peck again.

Then he stood up and stepped in the bathroom with the cat. Kkami seems unbothered about the white cat.

So, it's gonna be fine he guess.

"Lemme shower you~"


we're back for a new book!

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