Trial 8

396 30 10

8 years later

"Mother.   I refuse to marry him.   I don't even know him." Bai Qian cried into her hands, her small frame curled up on her bed and buried beneath the thick blanket not wanting to be seen.

"Darling, I know this is difficult for you, but this is the perfect marriage alliance for you.   Wen Lin is a gentle man, a kind soul and wealthy.   He will not only love you, he will protect you and deny you nothing.  What more could you possibly ask for?" her mother crooned softly, her hands gently caressing her shaking form.

"But why do I even have to marry mother?   Why can't I just stay here with you and father?" her pitiful sobs rose and fell like thunder, aching and sorrowful cries of anguish which near broke her mothers heart.

The thought of marrying a man almost twice her age was bad enough, but even worse was the gossip coming from her peers.   She had shut herself away from the world for so long, that all manner of vile whispers raged through her small town.    Ugly, overweight and barren and the only reason why Wen Lin wanted to marry her was because of her fathers wealth.   She might be ugly and barren, but her dowry would ensure her husband would not only hold a substantial portion of the towns wealth and therefore increasing his status amongst his peers, but he would also more than likely maintain contact with the many women who vied desperately for his affections, and that meant only one thing.   He would also have a harem and it would all be at her expense even if she was his number one wife.   He would no doubt only touch her once to create his heir and then parade his whores before her, never to touch her again, which everyone knew to be true.

"Sweetheart.   I know you are afraid, but this marriage is important to both families and its not as if you won't see us again.  Wen Lin as I explained is a very kind man, he will treat you well so please stop this.     Everything we are doing is for your benefit and besides, once you have children of your own, you will soon realize just how wonderful a man he will be after all, children are the backbone of every marriage, they will bring you so much joy and happiness and ensure your marriage will last the distance." her mother continued to upsell what was sounding more and more disastrous the more she spoke.

"I don't care.  I won't marry him and you and father can't make me." she suddenly screamed as the blanket was thrown back and her flushed tearful face came into view.

"Enough!" her fathers voice suddenly boomed through her chamber and making both women jump.   "I did not go through weeks of negotiations for you to act like a spoiled brat!   You are being offered a place among the very elite, your life will be one of luxury unimaginable wealth and yet you sit here and throw a tantrum like a child,   Grow up Bai Qian, you are going to marry Wen Lin and I won't hear another word!   And let me make myself clear right now.   If you refuse, then I will throw you out of this house in a second.   Do not embarrass me." his voice thundered into her head and almost splitting it open from the power of it.

"But father...... he's a whore, you know he is!" she screamed over the top of him.   "I can't marry a man like that, you can't be serious.  I won't." her small voice quivered as the light in her fathers eyes darkened to a terrifying black, something she never in a million years thought she would ever see.   To be forced to marry against ones will was one thing, but to be thrown out was so hideous a thought, that she merely gaped at him in disbelief.

"If I have to chain you to this house until your wedding day, and then drag you by the feet, then I will.   That is all I have to say on the matter." he growled loudly before storming out of the room having stood there long enough and he was fed up.

Watching her father walk away through a veil of thick tears, Bai Qians mouth pursed tightly.   She would have given her father the earth moon and sun, because she adored him, worshipped him and loved him from the lowest reaches of her heart, but this was an order she was not willing to obey.    There were plenty of other eligible men in her town and even further abroad that she would have happily married.    But as vile as the gossip was about her, it was even more so about him.

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