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Somewhere in the Mortal Realm....

"Thirty Gold Pieces!" she screamed down at the bloodied face softly whimpering at her feet.  "That is how much I paid to save your worthless life and this is how you repay me?" she screamed like a banshee and scaring her witless.   

Curled up in a ball at her feet, the girl desperately tried to make herself as small as possible.  A slave knew from the moment they were first sold, that the smaller they were, the less of a threat they were, so she had learned very quickly to ball up her small body in the hope that her fragile and weak form would draw pity.  

"I'm sorry ma'am......" her whisper thin voice groaned as yet another kick sent her reeling into the wall behind her, Only to quickly draw herself back into a ball again.

A door slammed open at the other side of the room, and she groaned tiredly as her small frail body slowly unfurled itself into a deep bow.  It had been weeks since she had suffered this kind of beating and at that moment, she was seriously fearing for her life.  What she had done demanded it, but still, she couldn't help but fear that this might be her last few moments on earth.  

"What's the bitch done now?" he roared at the top of his lungs in anger at having been woken from his afternoon nap for a girl who seemed more trouble than she was worth.

"This......" she spat, jabbing at the air in disgust....  "was helping herself to our meal!" she screamed again, and this time followed by a hefty grunt when her shoe caught the side of head and sending her reeling into the wall once again.

"I'm sorry sir...." her voice growing weaker as her body struggled to right itself at their feet.

"You stole from us, even though we generously took you into our home when no one else gave a shit?" he asked incredulously.

"Im sorry sir....." she whispered being the only thing she was capable of saying. She knew she had done wrong, and she felt the guilt for her sin weighing heavily on her small shoulders, but even then, she prayed to Buddha that he might save her this one time.

She'd had nothing to eat for two days, and she knew if she didn't eat something soon, she would become too weak, and therefore useless.  And everyone knew, a useless slave was a dead slave.  So she had taken three mouthfuls of soup, thinking they wouldn't miss it, only her mistress had walked into the kitchen and caught her red handed.

"You're sorry?" his voice deepened to a mere whisper as he took three steps towards her....   "Sorry you will be." his voice quivered with a rage she had never experienced from him before.

Sneaking a glance upwards, she quickly lowered her eyes in real fear.  His face was a mask of pure rage.  His cheeks were bright red, his eyes had almost contracted back into his skull and his entire body was shaking from the anger she didn't need to see, she could feel it puring off him in waves.

And suddenly the air was filled with a high pitched wail when his heavy booted foot stomped down on her small hand.   Crunching it beneath him, a sadistic smile erupted at the hideous expression on her face.  And the more she screamed and the more agonized her features, the more he crunched his foot from side to side, until he had broken every bone in her hand before rising slowly off the floor to send her reeling back against the wall where more of her blood joined the mess trailing down the once clean surface.

"No food for a week!" he grunted at his shoes now stained red and making him even more angry.  "And clean this fucking mess up!" he commanded before turning and leaving her near comatose body shaking behind him.

She had no idea how she even managed to clean down the wall, the floor and the surrounding chairs before rising to deal with the laundry and all with one hand.  But she felt deep in her heart, if she didn't try to live, her life would end and her masters would lose their opportunity to gain the lesson she had been sent to teach them.  

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