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Mo Yuan had come to realize the girl was limited in how long she stayed as if an obstacle of some kind was keeping her from staying longer because she always looked sad the closer it came to leaving. She never stayed more than two hours and it seemed she was aware of when the time was near to leave, because she always lay down to sleep where she would disappear a few minutes later.

Only, after almost six hours of thorough research on several books on magic he had found in the Celestials library, he was still no closer to finding out how she was entering his temple not to mention the Immortal Realm which was impossible for the Mortals. But even more concerning, was her apparition form, her inability to see him and the fact that his disciples could neither see nor hear her.

There were of course many spells that one could use to hide themselves from others, magical barriers and potions for example, but he was absolutely positive that she was Mortal, which should have been impossible. Because for one, Kunlun Mountain was drenched in divine energy, a Mortal would not last two seconds in the low valleys much less the temple and secondly, the Mortals were not aware of his mountain temple, himself or his disciples. And even if they were aware of it, they wouldn't know how to get there anyway. And certainly not a slave.

The Mortal slaves were treated as no more than animals to do the bidding of their owners in whatever form they deemed fit. They were not educated so could not have learned anything of his mountain from school or books. Though there were plenty of paintings of the Mortals version of his mountain but it came nowhere close to the original and nor did the stories they had written about it either.

Tiredly lowering the books to the side table, Mo Yuan closed his eyes. He was still in the library pondering over everything she had said in the hope of a clue. She had told him Buddha had invited her and though he was a little sceptical that this was true, he did not doubt i was her 'truth' because she was as innocent as the angel he thought her to be. If that Daoshi had told her Buddha had welcomed her to his temple, then that was exactly what she took it to mean.

Only he couldn't help but wonder why his temple. There were hundreds of them in the Mortal realm she could have visited, so it only increased the mystery as to why she kept returning to his. In fact, she had visited a total of nine times in the past two weeks, and they had talked of many things she had found of interest. His paintings on the walls, why no girls were on the mountain and even what his mantra was about having never heard one before.

Her mind was highly inquisitive and as the visits continued, her fear of him and the shyness to ask questions, fell away as the laughter rose. She was just so precious and innocent that Mo Yuan began to look forward to her visits, because she always brought questions no one else would have dared to ask. Like, why he wasn't married.

This question had ended in a highly amusing conversation on the kind of man she would one day want to marry.

"I think Buddha arranges our partners for us. And we only get to know who we're stuck with when our bellies swell. But it helps if they don't know how to hunt, because I could play dead like a fox if he turns out to be an ass."

Still shaking his head at the way her eyes had emphatically risen in absolute conviction, Mo Yuans laugher was still bubbling beneath the surface three days later. In fact, her lack of fear, now that she was more comfortable in his presence, only endeared him to the feistiness and resilience of her soul. Despite her circumstances, she was not only a fighter, but the innocence remained in her gentle manner and simple rationale for everything.

"Mo Yuan. You're still here......" a voice suddenly brought him out of his thoughts and forcing his eyes open.

"Di Jun." It's been a while." he replied without a hint of surprise for the unexpected visit.

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