After Symphony finished eating. Miranda convinced the nurse to let her stay with them for another hour before they took her back. Ben looked up at the knock on the door. "do you want visitors…because I can tell them to come back tomorrow." Ben said

Miranda looked up and saw her friends. " No they can come in. " Miranda said. Miranda straighten her gown up. And sat up holding her. "ma can you wrap her up in that blanket." Miranda asked.

"Hey congratulations momma." Everyone said as they walked through the door. Richard had roses in his hand. Callie and Arizona Carried balloons and a big gift bag. "We got her some preemie clothes because we figured you didn't plan for that." Callie said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, thank you guys so much. This is just wonderful." Miranda said.

Miranda watched as her mother passed Symphony to Ben. Ben held her carefully like she was fine China and Miranda smiled looking at him. Ben walked over to where everyone was standing. " Everyone meet Symphony Danielle Warren." Ben said revealing her to everyone.

"She is beautiful and she has so much hair."

"She is so tiny." Richard Said.

After everyone left. Miranda changed her and put her into a small onsie with a pink and purple Knitted hat and little pink socks. Her and Ben held her and then it was time for her to go back. Ben could see that Miranda struggled giving her back. So, Ben took her and handed her to the nurse.

" Hey I'm going to take your parents home so they can rest and when I come back I will help you get cleaned up." Ben said kissing her on the head.

Ben dropped them off home. " We are going to finish the nursery. Everything will be ready when she is able to come home." Elena said as they walked into the front door.

Ben walked into their bedroom and he grabbed her some things and put it into a small shoulder bag. He drove back to the hospital and he went back into the room to see Miranda sleep. She looked so wore out but he could imagine. Even though her hair was sweated out and she looked a little beat down she still was beautiful. Ben sat down in the chair and he watched her sleep.

Miranda opened her eyes and she looked over at Ben. "Hey Ben, we had a baby" Miranda said smiling and her throat was raspy. Ben got up and got her some water.

" Yes we did and you did wonderful. You are wonderful. I know I said I seen you do amazing things but watching you be a giver of life. It was astonishing." Ben smiled as she drunk the water.

" I am grateful for meeting you Ben. I know our life started off rocky but I wouldn't trade our meeting for nothing is this world. I also thank you for impregnating me. When I was with Tucker. I never really thought about having children and being a surgeon but with you. I think about a career and a family and you made it all possible in one night." Miranda said grabbing his hand.

" Come get up here with me." Miranda said and she slid over again. Ben got into the bed and Miranda leaned into him. Ben used his hand to lift her chin up and he kissed her. Miranda deepened their kiss by opening her mouth and letting his tongue explore her mouth. Miranda moaned and she turned slowly, trying to move little as possible.

"Well I think this how you both got into this situation in the first place." Callie said walking through the door. Miranda took her lips off of Ben and used her hand to wipe her mouth.

Ben chuckled and Miranda rolled her eyes. "How are feeling?" Callie asked.

"I'm good, a little bit sore down there. But that is to be expected. Other than that I'm filled with joy. I have a child. Who would have ever thought me, the Nazi, is now a mommy." Miranda said looking at Callie

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