Miranda looked him over and then shook her head. "Uh-uh no, you're are not wearing those." Miranda said.

"What are you talking about Miranda." Ben said looking confused.

"You are not going to the store or anywhere else with them grey sweatpants. I am not about to have so many women looking at your print. No, go get some jeans or another color." Miranda said explaining about to get frustrated.

" Miranda this is childish." Ben said walking to the closet.

" it wasn't childish when you wouldn't let me wear my leggings that flare out at the bottom." Miranda said.

"Those are a curse to nature. They ridiculously show the shape of your ass and your pregnant, so your hips are wider and you're just so sexy." Ben said walking over to her.

"Those are the point of the pants Benjamin and let's be real even if I wasn't pregnant you still wouldn't like them." Miranda giggled.

"Nope, they are for me. Wear them for me around the house." Ben said smirking and walking closer to her until she backed up against the bed. Ben lightly pushed her back on their bed and he kissed her. Miranda kissed him back and then he pulled her up.

Miranda and Ben came out of the room and ate breakfast with her parents. Miranda was so delighted eating her food. Miranda was subconsciously turning Ben on. Ben shook his head; it was a shame that it didn't take much from her to turn him on.

After they all finished eating. " Okay we have to go get paint and let's also go the furniture store." Miranda said clapping her hands.

Miranda and Ben walked with her parents getting paint and furniture for the room. "Oooh babe do like this white crib or the brown one. " Miranda asked rubbing her hand across the

white one. He knew she was fixated on that one. She said that she wanted to include him on every decision, but he wanted what she wanted. "I like the white one better." Ben said

" Ooh great me too, I'm glad you're in sync with me." Miranda said smiling as she watched Ben lift the box and put in on their flat bed. "What's the nursery theme." William asked.

"It's owl theme. We are birthing another doctor. She is going to be wise, so I figured baby owls." Miranda was picturing it in her head.

"That's going to be beautiful." Elena said.

They picked up everything for the furniture. "Hey, I still want to go the store and get other baby things." Miranda said. " How about me and Ben get dropped off home and we finish painting the nursery and then you and your mom go shopping." William said as they all walked to the car. " That's perfect Ben said." Looking over at her.

Miranda dropped Ben and her dad off and they drove to the baby stores. " So how are you feeling." Elena asked

" Everything is great momma." Miranda said as she picked up baby monitors and put it into the cart.

" Are you breast feeding?"

" Yes. I want to breast feed all of Ben and I's children." Miranda said as she grabbed bottles and bibs and a bunch of hair bows and shoes.

" I can already see she is going to be spoiled."

Miranda laughed as she looked at pink curtains with brown ruffles on them for the baby's room. " Yeah she is. I love her so much already, so I can imagine when she is here, it will be magnified times 10. " Miranda said rubbing her stomach.

"So, have you thought of names."

"Me and Ben decided we would do something musical because we first met the night I was singing. So far, we thought of Lyric, Harmony, Medley, Melody, and Symphony." Miranda said thinking and smiling.

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