chapter twenty three

Start from the beginning

All the professors stood up from their seats.

Rose immediately started kicking Pansy in the stomach. Repeatedly, like she couldn't stop herself. She didn't hear the professors running down to the middle of the hall, she didn't hear Pansy's violent screams of pain. The only thing her brain focused on was the fact that she was now outed. Everyone knew. Even Crookshanks probably knows. And everyone thinks she tried to get with Pansy. Lord knows how humiliating that is.

Rose now got down and straddled Pansy and repeatedly punched her in the face. Rose didn't hear everyone yelling at her to stop. She didn't hear the cracks in Pansys nose as she repeatedly hit it. She didn't see the blood on her hands. She didn't feel several professors trying to pull her back. It was like she wasn't in her own head. Everything was a blur.

"punch her chest."  A voice told her. And she did.

"Yank her hair." So she did.

"Smash her head against the floor."

"break her ribs."

"She's unconscious. Let go."

Rose finally felt her world come back to her and she felt herself being yanked backwards by Professor McGonagall, Snape, Lupin, Sprout, Trelawney, Fred, and George.

"Calm down!"


"Oh my, Parkinson needs the hospital wing immediately."

"Is she dead?"

"So Rose really is like her father..."

"Shes a murderer."

Thats all Rose heard.

Once she took one look at Pansy who laid on the floor, unconscious, blood all over her face and body, and barely breathing, it all started to speak in her head.

"Your a monster."
"Your just like him."
"Your no different."
"Pansy didn't deserve that."
"You overreacted."
"You deserve death."

Rose didn't even notice that she was already dragged into dumbledores office, sitting in fromt of his desk. She was still staring into space, a look of misinterpretation on her face.

"Miss Black?"

"Miss Black?"

She looked up.

"Miss Black, if you—"

"I don't know why i did it." She interrupted.

"You—You don't know why you did it?" Snape asked in his everyday monotone voice.

"No.." She shook her head, looking like she could cry at any giving moment. "I just- I just wanted to maybe make break her nose or something i didn't mean to... do that."

"What made you want to break her nose?" Lupin asked, had been very quiet.

"Don't make me say it."

"Miss Black—"

"She outed me!" She finally shouted. There was a thick silence following this.

"What do you mean by—"

"Oh my— I mean that she told everyone that i likes girls! Bisexual. I wanted No One to know. And she went and ruined that. You know what my family will do to me if they find out about this? Huh? I'd be in the same situation as Pansy is right now."

Dumbledore looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. McGonagall sighed "Oh.." and looked at the girl with sincerity. Snape didn't have a reaction to this whatsoever, and Lupin.. He was seeing right through her. She is exactly like... like him. Sirius.

"Im sorry. Okay? Im sorry that she's probably dying in a hospital bed right now but what do you want me to do? Go home? What's that gonna do? They would bloody me up just as bad as i did to Pansy." She put her head in her hands. "I'd rather not myself through in that pain again."

Lupin heard her voice break at the last sentence. God did he see Sirius in her...

"Miss Black.. we have contacted Miss Parkinsons parents and they said they couldn't care less—their words.. not mine." McGonagall said, "So you will not be expelled. But, you must find a stop tp this behavior to prevent more accidents in the future."

Rose slowly nodded.

"And i hope you know," said McGonagall, "Liking girls is not a bad thing. It should not even be a big deal. That is for you too know and you only and i'm terribly sorry she ruined that. But, i'm afraid you will be having two weeks detention. Beating students to a pulp is kind of.. against school rules."

"Will she be having detention too? When she gets out of the hospital wing, i mean?" Remus questioned. "Outing a student should also be against school rules, shouldn't it?"

"She will be, but both of you in separate rooms to prevent any more accidents."

Rose nodded.

"You may go, Miss Black but please, go take a shower first, you smell like rusty pennies." Snape ordered.

Rose pursed her lips together, "Okay.. let me know what happens to Pansy.. not that i care."She said, getting out of the seat.



Lupin snorted.

She stalked to the doors.

"We will keep you updated."


Remus' pov:

Dumbledore sighed, standing up from his chair.

"Professor Dumbledore what will we do about the fact that she has been getting abused at home!" McGonagall asked panicky.

"She—She can stay with me—? I mean if she wants." I offered cautiously.

"No, Remus we have discussed this when she was being sent to the orphanage, you are not fit to take care of a child." Dumbledore responded.

"Well he's better than the McKays! They are satens spawn!" McGonagall defended.

"No, he's right, i'm not fit for a child. Where would she go while i transformed?" I sighed.

"I'm not sure where she will go this summer, but it will most definitely not be at the McKays." McGonagall shook her head.

"We'll get her out of there."

a/n: 😏

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now