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Dear Ben.

Tonight, and morning was one of the best nights/ mornings of my life. I want you to know that I have no regrets about anything that we shared and experienced together. After years of not being loved right, sexed right and taken for granted, you came along and showed me everything I was missing in one night. You are an amazing man and I wished to God that we had met under different circumstances and not like this. I know you are probably going to hate me and is never going to speak to me again because I would do the same thing after I read this. Ben I am regretfully married. It pains me writing this knowing that you are probably going to think the worse of me and feel like I used you. I am in a loveless marriage and if it makes you feel any better me and him haven't been intimate in over 3 years. He was cheating on me and I am dumb enough to stick around. Trying to put Band-aids on a glass house that has already shattered. This is one of the hardest decisions I ever faced in my life; choosing whether to walk away or try harder. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was selfish and heartless of me to keep that from you. But being with you made me feel alive again, you ignited something in me that has never been lit before. I just wish that things were different because I definitely would have taken you up on breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner and anything else we can think of. You are a great catch and would be awesome for any woman you meet. Again, I'm sorry and please forgive me


If you ever want to talk about this and us. Here is my number.

Miranda finished writing and she put it on the pillow where she was sleeping. She grabbed her shoes off the floor, and she tip toed to the door. When Miranda looked out the window and saw the rain, she grabbed his jacket off the couch, and she put it on. She hoped he wouldn't mind that she took it. She needed it for the rain, and I guess something to think of him and the night they spent together.

Miranda drove home and she thought the whole ride. She was so consumed with her thoughts, to the point that she was on audio pilot and she didn't even realize she was home. She got out and she walked to her apartment and she unlocked the door. When Miranda walked to her bedroom. She took out some clothes from the drawer and laid them on the Bed.

" I hope he was good." Tucker said.

Miranda turned around and looked at Tucker leaned against the door. " What are you talking about. Look I don't have time for this I'm tired." Miranda said snappy.

" I said, I hope he was good. Since you stayed out all night and you have bed hair and I'm assuming that's his jacket on you. So, yeah like I said I hope he was Good and worth it.

Miranda rolled her eyes " actually he was Good, really good and it was worth it because he was the best I ever had." Miranda smirked and looked him in his eyes. She could see the hurt and anger in them. " And on that note, I'm going to go take a shower. "

Miranda walked to the bathroom and she shut the door. She turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. She peeled her clothes off, and she stepped in. She let the water cascade down her body, and she thought back to Ben. She felt horrible for doing this to him. She shook her head and then she proceeded to wash up.

After her shower Miranda locked her room door so Tucker wouldn't barge in. They no longer shared a bed. He slept across the hall. Miranda fell into bed. She didn't bother putting on the clothes she had laid out. She pulled the covers up to her neck and she drifted off to sleep.

Miranda woke up to her phone ringing. She reached over and rummage through her purse. " Hello." She said groggy.

"So I see you had a long night." Callie said chuckling.

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