chapter twenty two

Start from the beginning

"What- What secret?"

"Is she your sister? Mom? Aunt? Who is she?"

"Thats none of your business."

Pansy looked furious, and took the picture and tore slightly at the edge.

"No! Stop! Shes my girlfriend!" Rose said way to fast to even understand what was coming out of her mouth.

'Ah shit. Really Rose? You could've said Cousin or Sister and yet you chose girlfriend. Dumbass'

"Your what?" Pansy now had a huge smile on her face. "Your gay!"

Roses eyes widened. "No! Im not! I'm straighter than a ruler... i swear."

"Rulers can bend."


"Well," Pansy now started slowly walked around Rose, taunting. "About a week ago i heard you speaking to this exact photo-!"

"You fucking ease-dropper—!" Rose was seething with anger.

"You realize this is my dorm too, right? So technically i had every right to listen.....So, the girls dead. Am i correct?"

Rose's jaw clenched tightly. "No, shes not dead."

"But you said that you were... and i quote, 'so sorry that you couldn't save her.'.....Isn't that so?"


"Alright, Parkinson where are we going with this? Why can't you just give me the picture back, and we can go to sleep? This is pointless—"

"Quiet!" She seethed.

"I don't obey your god damn orders," She looked at Pansy in distaste. "Stop acting like your a God."

"Oh i will be once everyone finds out you're a queer."

Rose froze. "No. Parkinson, you tell anyone and your dead. I will personally drag your ass to hell with one hand."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "So what are you?"


"Not species you dumb fuck, i meant sexuality!"

"B- Straight."

"B- Straight?" She mocked her stutter. "Here. Take the photo. I don't care anymore." She handed the picture out to Rose.

Rose looked at her confused, "What the hell was all of this about then?"

"You'll find out."


Rose ended up going to bed that night extremely cautiously, thinking Pansy would sneak up behind her bed and kill her. She already had one mass murderer after her, she didn't need another.

When Rose woke up she was blinded by the lights from the window. She groaned and rolled over, eyes opening a tad to see the time.

"OH SHIT—" She jumped out of bed and nearly tripped over a shoe on the floor after seeing she was late for breakfast.

She got dressed quickly and sprinted out of the dormitorys. Since she had to get dressed quickly, she looked a mess. Her hair was frizzy and messy, the shoelaces to her Doc Martins were untied, and her Slytherin tie was hanging loosely around her neck. Today she wore what she wore almost everyday, fishnet stockings with her Doc Martins, And obviously, her school uniform which included a Slytherin skirt, but she didn't like how long it was so she cut it. Did she get dress coded? Yes. But shes done it so many times the professors aren't surprised anymore.

She was rushing down the corridors, into the entrance hall, and then quickly came to a stop, not wanting to cause much loud noise entering the Great Hall.

She pushed open the doors and... well.. lets just say her original plan of not causing a scene had failed.


Almost every single person in the hall, including the Professors all turned their heads to look at her.

It was almost completely silent.

She halted completely in her tracks, slowly turning her head to look at everyone.

"What?" She asked.

No one answered her.

'Well this is awkward.'

She slowly made her way to the Gryffindor table not even caring how she wasn't supposed to be there. She sat right in between Harry and Hermione and asked, "Why the hell is everyone looking at me."

The trio shared looks. "Well.. somehow a rumor got around that you were..."

"Gay." Ron answered bluntly and quietly.

"What?" She whisper-shouted.

"And.. that you were trying to 'seduce' Pansy." Harry stated cautiously.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now