Chapter 1

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Ciel POV

I was reading threw the newspaper, confusingly about the mysterious earth quakes and weather. People say the rain now burns the skins and the ground cracks with lava showing. The queen hasn't even asked me to handle this..but maybe this is something I can't handle.

Sebastian came in with tea as usual. He placed it down, pouring me some. "Young master". He said. I stared at the newspaper. "Their has been some mysterious weather down in one knows what's going on..some are saying this is happening because the gods are angry". I said. He smirked. "The gods now. What a silly thing to say coming from you young master". He said. I glared at him. "It's just rumors. Nothing but stories..but..I can't help but wonder why this is happening. This is out of the ordinary..Sebastian. We shall leave to the closest earthquake their was". I said. He bowed his head while I got up. "Yes, Young master". He said. I sighed, putting my jacket on while riding to the earthquake we heard so much about.

(Time skip)

We stopped where the crowd was. I sighed, getting out the carriage with Sebastian, walking over to the crowd. Sebastian helped me threw the crowd and over to the huge whole, showing the lava. "Is this it then..the earthquake". I asked, confusingly. "Yes. It appears so young master. Apparently this was the closest activity yet. Really unbearable for the people". He said. I nodded. "Yes. Of course". I said, staring at the lava until Arthur Randall and Fred Abberline came. "Ciel Phantomhive. Let me guess. The queen has asked you to check up on these suspicious weather reports". Arthur asked. I smirked. "Arthur. No actually. I came here on my own terms, to figure out what is the meaning of these terrible quakes. It is my job after all as the queens guard dog to protect her precious kingdom". I said, smirking at him. He glared at me. "Of course. I can speak nothing less to the queens guard dog". He said. I glared at him. "So tell me. What are the reasonings of these terrible earthquakes and weather". I asked. "Supposedly people are saying these are religious beliefs. The gods are mad because of how much we worship technology more then we do of the gods". He said. "And who may I ask started these rumors". I asked. "A priest from the church. Supposedly he thinks were the cause of this. His name is Jerry". Fred said. I nodded. "alright then. Sebastian. We are leaving to the church". I said. "Yes young master". He said and we left to the carriage. I sighed, driving to the church. Then out of know where a butterfly went in front of my nose, to my confusion. It flew out of the window. I watched as it flew away.

Strange..such a delicate, beautiful creature..what is a creature like that doing near something horrific like this..

Juliet POV

I watched as Ciel was riding away with his demon butler somewhere. I sighed, seeing my butterfly land on my shoulder, making me smile. "..what do you think mother..should we intervine now..the queens guard dog is now getting into the situation..and his demon butler is getting into it as well". I said. She looked up at me. I smiled, happily, petting her head. "I was thinking the same thing mother".

(Time skip)

Ciel POV

We drove to the church. Once we stopped we got out, seeing the building, seeing nuns walking around with children. "So this is the place where they were talking about". I said, walking inside with Sebastian. I walked up to a nun, sighing. "Excuse me. Where can I find Jerry". I asked confusingly. "Oh I'm sorry. He's actually out of town. He'll be back in 2 days". She said. I nodded. "I see. Thank you". I said, walking back out with Sebastian. "2 days..he leaves on the day of the earthquakes and weather reports..something indeed is wrong". I said. "Indeed my young lord". He said. Then out of know where I was pushed to the ground. I gasped. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL". I asked, looking up and froze, blushing., The girl gasped, guilty, looking at me apologetically. "OH. I'm so sorry. My apologies. I didn't see where I was going". She said, helping me up and helping me wipe off the dirt from my suit. "Are you alright. Any broken bones". She asked, nervously. "I-I'm. N-No. I-I-I'm perfectly fine". I said, blushing.

I know i was engaged to Lizzie but..she..she was beautiful..too beautiful to be called a human at all. Who was she?

"I'm truly sorry. How very unlike me. may I buy you a new suit". She asked. "No. it's completely fine. Accidents happen". I said, still blushing. She sighed. Then a very beautiful women came sighing. "Oh Juliet. What did I say about watching where your going". She said. The girl Juliet laughed nervously while the women smiled, rubbing her cheek. "You must pardon my daughters clumsiness. She was in a rush. Were actually new in town. Were travelers you see so were not used to the huge crowds. My names Aurora and this is Juliet". Aurora said while Juliet grinned at me. "Welcome to our town. I'm Ciel and this is Sebastian-". I froze, seeing Sebastian frozen, blushing.

Sebastian POV

I blushed, staring at Aurora, seeing her smiling at me. My heart racing and my palms sweating. She was beautiful. Perfect, more perfect then a cat. She was every bit of perfection then any angel alive. "Sebastian. Are you alright. You look like your about to faint". Ciel said. I blinked, nervously, grinning. "F-f-forgive me. My apologies. I-I'm not so used to seeing beautiful as you miss Aurora". I said. She smiled. "Why thank you. Your too kind. Uh may I". She asked, holding my cheeks, making me blush more and sweat more. She smiled, staring at my eyes. "Your eyes are magnificent. The color of the roses. Truly wonderful. I hope you don't mind me saying so". She said while I smiled. "N-No. Not at all". I said. Then Juliet cleared her throat, impatiently while Aurora giggled. "You must pardon my Enthusiasm. I love looking into peoples eyes...they always have a story to tell. I'm a bit on the creative side". She said. I smiled. "I find your creativity beautiful miss aurora". I said. She smiled, staring at me until someone called her. They turned to the man with these armor. They said something in Spanish. I stared in confusion. They looked back at us and smiled. "Again. So sorry for the trouble. Will leave you guys alone already...until next time. Sebastian". She said, smirking at me and walking away with her daughter Juliet, holding hands. I blushed madly, watching her. Ciel glared at me, confusingly. "what was that about". He asked. "My apologies young master..But my heart has blossom for someone". I said, happily. He sighed, annoyingly, glaring at the ground.

(Time skip)

Ciel POV

I sighed, on my desk while writing in my letters. I then heard Sebastian making noises, to my annoyance. I glared at him, angrily while he was reading about that women and her daughter. "Would you quit it Sebastian. You'll see her again soon". I said. "I can't help it my young master. Her face is so perfect". He said. I growled, angrily, writing in my letters. "But..they aren't your ordinary mother and daughter. Young master".  He said. I looked at him, confusingly. "Let me see". I said. He walked over to me, showing me the newspaper. I froze, shocking, reading what it said.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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