chapter 10

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A big-time skip to harrys 6th year hehe

Harry's pov

It's been almost six years since I found out the truth and I have kept it a secret at the request of time aka Jason

He said it would be best to wait till mates come of age and find out on their own and so they can train me

Things with Lilly and dumbledore have only gotten worse the abuse has doubled in the summer but the good thing is that they are too concentrated on me to hurt my dad

I have gotten a hang of my newfound powers with the help of the Gods and my new ancient friend's school isn't too bad I get bullied quite a bit still but my housemates do try to help

Right now I am on the train to Hogwarts for my sixth year but I have a strong feeling this year is gonna be a lot different

I hear a knock at the door I say a soft 'come in' and the door opens to reveal Draco, Ron, Blaise, Nevile, fred, and George my only friends

"Hello" I greet them all Nevile fred and George sit on my side as and the other three sit opposite all holding hands and cuddling

I frown at it at first feeling lonely wanting them to cuddle with me and hold my hand but I turn my frown into a smile as fast as I can and say " I see you there have gotten together! Congrats!!"

They all look at me with smiles on their face "thanks harry!!! We are all mates!!! We found out over the summer" Blaise said excitedly to have found his mates

I smile at him and nod in understanding "we'll congratulations!!" I try and act happy for them and I succeed

The rest of the train ride consists of the twins flirting with a very flustered Nevile and Draco and Ron pampering Blaise giving him kissed and cuddling the whole time

And I just sit in the corner my knees to my chest trying not to cry I feel invisible like I am back in my room at potter manor waiting for the inevitable beating that I know is coming

My dad is with Severus in their private compartment they got together a few years ago in secret after dad secretly divorced Lilly

"Hey harry!? The train has stopped!! Come on!!" Neville says dragging me with him off the train I just let him as I know it is futile to resist

As we were running I bumped into none other than Jason aka Time himself behind him are all of the others

Salazar, Rowena, Helga, Godric, Flora gem, merlin, and Hades all stood tall and proud in front of me Jason had a goofy grin on his face as he saw my shock

"HARRY!!!!! Hey!! SURPRISE!!" he shouted attracting a lot of attention

"Umm hey?! What are you all doing here!!" I ask excited to see them but confused to see them too

"Well you are 16 and official of age which means things are gonna change this year people are gonna start noticing that you aren't who you say you are" Salazar explains

"So we have devised a plan" gem follows on " Salazar, Rowena, Helga and Godric are gonna be teachers assistants we said they need training for a proper job as a teacher one-day" hades continues rolling his eyes

"And hades, gem, flora, Jason and Merlin are gonna be transfer students" Godric finished
I look at them in shock and all I can do is a nod

A sudden realization comes to me and I look around rapidly I sigh in relief when I see none of my friends

We walk to the carriages and get on one while the new 'teaching assistants' go-ahead

We reach the great hall and see the founders looking around in astonishment and a little bit of disgust on their faces when they look at their houses

I sit down with nick our friends while the Gods wait near the doors close to me as they can get and we watch the new year get sorted

"Now students it is a pleasure to see you back for a new year now before we begin the feast we have some new staff as you can see and transfer students that need to be sorted"

Gem goes first then flora, Merlin, jason, and then hades they all went into Slytherin as planned

Salazar looks pleased with the way his house has turned out I can see the pride in his eyes as he looks over everyone

People comforting others discreetly, displaying proper manners unlike some... Others

They all come and sit with me asking people to move to get to me

Once seated I laugh at their antics and smile nick looks at me shocked "you haven't smiled like that in like forever!!" Everyone around me looks at me with shock and sorrow

"Come on nick that's an exaggeration" I try to play it off and get out of the spotlight

He shakes his head and smiles at me "I like it your smile is beautiful you should smile more brother!"

I blush and look down embarrassed when people start to agree "yeah maybe I will," I say smiles at the people around me my family.

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