chpater 7

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It has been a few months since harry  got the howler from Lilly and everything has just gotten worse for him

Everywhere he goes he is bullied if nick or James is with him they tend to back off but when he is alone... It's worse

Harry has stopped talking unless necessary he is mainly in the back of the library

That is until one day he is cornered by 7 students from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw

They started to beat him up not stopping, throwing spells and curses at him some even used crucio on him

But he never screamed not once he just sat there and took it like he was taught by his 'mother'

Once they finished harry could hardly breathe if he was being honest he didn't mind if he died he knew his dad and nick would miss him but to him, they would be better off

So he laid there in an abandoned classroom wishing for death to take him soon but...

That didn't happen instead more pain hit him worse than he already he bit his lip trying not to scream until he passed out from the excruciating pain

After what Harry guessed was a few hours he woke up to tapping on the window of the abandoned classroom

He slowly picked himself up off the floor surprised at the lack of pain he felt and walked up the window opening it to let the owl in

"I'm sorry I don't have any treats for you" the owl just hoots drops the letter and flew away again

Harry picked up the letter of the desk it was dripped on and opened it after seeing it was from Gringotts it said:

Dear mr. Potter

We congratulate you on receiving your inheritance. However, we are concerned for you as you are a friend of the goblin nation about how you came into this inheritance as you are not meant to receive an inheritance before the age of 16 unless your mate\s have come into theirs or you have just had a near-death experience. we would like you to come to Gringotts as soon as possible to have an inheritance test and visit your goblin friends

Ragnok goblin king

Harry started at the letter with wide eyes he re-read the letter about 5 times before the information sunk in

After he processed the information he grabbed his things and made his way to Gringotts by floo in snapes office

Once he had reached Gringotts he was ambushed by a small goblin he had met year's ago when he first came to the honorable bank he is the prince of goblins Klolk

"HARRY" He shouted, against popular believes goblins are gentle creatures but only to their own kind and people they see as family

When Harry was 9 his dad James brought harry to Gringotts for his birthday the goblins like James and knew of their home situation

They often let James and harry come and stay at the bank until they had to close although that stopped then Lilly stomped into the can't as they were closing and insulted and assaulted many goblins

After that they James and harry stopped using if it wasn't necessary, this upset the goblins greatly they thought of the potter duo as family

"Hello klolk" harry replied to the small child-like goblin

Both the children turned around when they heard a chuckle that came from Ragnok the small goblins farther

Harry stood up straight and bowed to the goblin king who waves the action off

"Now harry you know you and your dad are part of the goblin family no need for bowling now is their" Ragnok said going and hugging the fragile child

"I know I am sorry Rag old habits die harry," harry said giggling at the end as did the child goblin

"Now down to business, let's go sit down," he said pointing to his desk in the middle of the room

Once Ragnok was seated on the other side of the desk opposite of harry klolk crawled onto Harry lap and cuddled him and fell asleep as his dad and friend had their 'meeting'

"Harry you have come into your creature inheritance, now I know you are not 16 so care to tell me how," Ragnok asked

Harry looked down "well things are not going as I would have liked at school let's say and not many people like me" he tried to explain without saying it

Understanding crossed Ragnok's face "ah I see well let's get down to what you are shall we" Harry nodded as the goblin got a piece of parchment out

"Please put 7 drops of blood on this parchment harry" harry did just that

They waited for a little as the crimson blood started to form words. Once it was finished harry picked up the parchment and started reading it

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