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The 6 Slytherins are now in their first potions class with Gryffindor harry is sat next to James with nick behind him sat next to fred and George and ron behind them and blaise and Draco behind them

Snape was at the front obviously getting ready to teach potions to a bunch of imbeciles

" There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." The potions master says sneering at his students until his eyes land on the cowering potters in the front row

"The instructions are on the board get on with it," snape says in a bored tone still starting at the two potters

"Harry you get the ingredients while I go speak to professor snape okay," James says gently to his son who is still shaking but less noticeable

Harry nods and walks off with nick to get the ingredients they need while James walks to the front of the class to the sneering potions master

"Umm professor snape?" He says looking down like he was a student scared of getting punished

"What" snape snapped at James as he flinched back

"Well umm I was just wondering what I should do as I am the assistant but umm I could just help harry cause that is my job to I guess," James says voice getting quieter the longer he spoke

Snape rolled his eyes "just help harry and walk around the classroom to check the potions and potter don't blow anything up I have my hands full with those over their" snape finishes while pointing at the Wesley twins along with nick

James smiles at the sight of his son having fun with someone his mother didn't force him to befriend "okay I will try to keep them in check as well professor" James says tone low but hearable

He walks back to harrys desk to see he has already started the potion "you okay harry? How is the potion?" Harry looks up at him

"It's okay I think I'm doing it right but can you check please dad," Harry says worried about getting it wrong
James leans a little to see the potion

"It looks very good harry just continue to watch it don't want it to brew too long now do we," James say ruffling his son's hair

He walks to the table behind to see his other son working with one-half of the devil twins "now boy can I see how you are doing" James asked as confident as he could they nod and he leans over again

"Well it looks okay but I'm not sure you have done it right I think you have left it one the heat too long take it off now and see what happens"

And that's how the lesson goes James and snape walking round checking potions and only one blew up which is a new record

The day went by uneventful the 6 males went to class and lunch without problem a few weird looks from fans of nicks but that's it not they are leaving the great hall heading to the dorms or in James case his quarters

However, Harry didn't want to leave James side for some reason unknown to anyone but harry

Once they arrive they walk in to see snape in the living area reading a book he turns to look who came into his quarters to are his ex bully and his child so natural he sneers at them

"What is he doing in here" snape spat at James harry curls into James' leg even further

"Oh umm he didn't want to leave me for some reason so I didn't have a choice," James says rubbing his neck snape rolls his eyes while mumbling 'spoilt brat' and continue reading

"Harry sweetie can you let go so I can go, cook, you something?" harry shakes his head while mumbling 'not hungry'

James sighs " harry you have to eat something you haven't all day," he says rubbing his forehead trying to stop the oncoming headache

"Leave the boy be it's not like one day will make a difference just make sure he eats more tomorrow," snape says trying to resolve the problem so he can go back to reading in peace

James sighs again picking harry up and sits down on the sofa next to snape "you don't get it professor he didn't eat yesterday either or the day before" James tells snape not wanting to lie to him he has a pull towards Severus that he can't explain but it is compelling him to tell the truth

Snape Looks at James worriedly "why isn't he eating potter?" James looks up at snape with tears in his eyes

"I can't tell you she will kill me and harry I cant!" He says tears now falling freely down his face while heartbreaking sobs leave his mouth

Harry looks up at his dad "dad? Why are you crying? Is it because I didn't eat?!?!" Harrys says worried he made his dad cry

Harry looks at snape then something clicks in his head he turns his head back to James "did the mean man make you cry!?!?!" He asks he turns back to snape "did you make my dad cry!!" He shouts

James calms down enough to talk "harry don't shout you know what happens only because she isn't here doesn't mean she won't find out please he didn't make me cry  sweetie I'm just worried about you" James explains whispering the first bit

Harrys seems to calm down a little until what James says registers to him "she can?" He asks James looks down nodding harry starts to tear up at the thought of his mother punishing him again

"Okay tell me what's going on now!"

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