Part 4

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*3rd Pro*

The class was so excited that they packed up their stuff and ran out of the room. Mari and nino sat there frozen, not moving a muscle. They were both happy but terrified. "Hey, are you both ok?" Alex asked but we kept frozen. All the kids were already gone except for the MPS and the teacher. Chloe and Adrian already know why they are worried and they look stiffly at them. The 4 snapped out of it when Miss B said " I'm sorry my little ones, I tried to tell your parents that it wouldn't be a good idea but you know how your mom is." The kids were confused when miss b started spiking in a language they didn't know. Mari, Nino, and Chloe (Marinette's lady in waiting) know the language and spoke back to her in it. (they are speaking Aribic) " It's ok aunty its not your fault and yes I know how my mother is." Marinette said. "She's right aunty it's not your fault the Queen is very stubborn you can ask my mom. *snickers*" Nino said. "You know they are both right." Chloe said. Adrien just nods in agreement.  Mari freezes one more time when it hits her. She looked at Miss B and asked " you didn't tell my parents about the class did you????" Miss B looked at her and said " No I haven't told your parents about the class but I think you should tell them before we go to china for your corinasion." Nino and Chloe looked at Mari as she sighed and said " I know I have to tell my parents and I will just not yet." Miss B just nodes and says bye then leaves.

*Mari's Pro*

Let me explain a bit. I'm the princess of China and I'm meant to be crowned queen. But where does Nino,Chloe, and Adrien fit into all this? Well.... Nino's my cousin and so is Adrien. But Nino's more like a brother. We grow up under the same roof so yeah. Anyway My Mother (the Queen) and Nino's mom (My mothers lady in waiting) are siblings. We look nothing alike because I get my looks from both parents ( since they are both chinese) but nino gets his looks from his dad (who is Moroccan). Nino is also my bodyguard along with his sister who is older than us  (more on her later). Adrien is also my cousin from my dad's side. He's been around with chole well since birth, well since i was born at least. Even though they lived in Paris they visited me every month. We were best friends, and still are. When I had to go into hiding we last contacted for a will. Anyway, we aren't allowed to tell anyone else about our secret. So we were surprised about this trip. 

Anyway, I was happy but also angry at my Mother for doing this to me. After Nino, Chloe, Adrien and I talked to aunty. We looked at our friends and I said " We should go and tell Luka and Kagami about the trip." My friends asked us what Miss B said to us and we just said nothing. When we got to the park we saw the 2 love birds under a tree with their  guardians next to them.

Lukas guardian is a greenish blue snake. His name is Sass. He's mellow, likes music, and also very portative.

Kagamis guardian is a chinese red dragon

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Kagamis guardian is a chinese red dragon. Her name is Longg. She's a bit formal, quite informative, patient and also very portative.

As we approach them they look our way and wave at us

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As we approach them they look our way and wave at us. After we take to them for a will we spit up to go pake. Nino, Chloe and Adrien said they would be over after paking.

*Mair's Pro*

After I said bye to my friend I went to my aunt's house. When my aunt and uncle saw my face they knew something happened. I asked my aunt "what is my mother thinking about inviting my class to My coronation?" my aunt looks at me and sighs "She invited your class because she thought it would be nice to have your friends there." I look at my aunt and say " Well now i have to call my mother and tell her to set up self defence classes for my class because as far as i know the people after me still havent been caught so now my class is going to be in trouble when lay go to china luckily we are going to Gotham first so maybe bruce can help with the classes." My aunt just gives me a simputhectk smile as I walk upstairs.

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