
Start from the beginning

Finding a lover in this world would be too easy, it isn't like back in the day a prince has to marry a princess to become stronger and powerful. Royal blood with another royal blood.

This was the time to find love, true love.

It almost made him wanna laugh just by thinking of how ridiculous it was and how it sounded.

True love.

Almost sounds like a fairy tale book, a prince charming who has everything he would ever need.... Than a commoner girl seems to fall in his life as if they were destined to be together. Little does he know that a cruse was bestowed upon her and true loves kiss would cure her. Then in the end they all live happily ever after.

Where are all the problems after that? They love each other till death without no fights? No arguments? No conflicts?

Worse case scenario is when one of them is bound to cheat.

Love can be dangerous, yet beautiful.

"Mr, Suzuki?" He looked at the show host without any emotion, almost glaring at the man. The host flinched avoiding eye contact, only to look at his hands on his lap.

"I'm not looking for any partner yet." More like - he didn't want one to begin with. He had looked at his wrist watch checking the time to see that he would only have five minutes left. When he wanted to, why couldn't time go by faster.

"I- is that so... Are you planning to have a child in the near future?" He sighed heavily closing his eyes and only this time, he purposely did that making everyone duck their heads as if they would go down with the host if they even did the slightest reaction.

"Are you deaf?" The talk show host mouth was agape but nothing could be heard, he lowered his head twiddling with his finger's. Even the camera man palms were sweaty, he wanted to help the man by turning off the camera but he knew If he did that he would lose his job on the spot.

"I said I'm not looking for a partner. How do you expect me to answer your ignorant question?" The time for this was no where near finished, this was the only time the shows host views would skyrocket. He didn't say anything almost feeling ashamed. He almost wanted to cry as Daisuke stood up surprising the audience. "You can know the basics of my life on Google." And just like that, Daisuke walked off as his security guards circled around him walking out the building.

To save the host humiliation, the show was cut to a commerical. He began to cry silently feeling his warm tears run down his cheeks into his hands that were on his lap. The biggest opportunity to save his show was gone in an instant.

Outside, waiting for Daisuke was a crowd of paparazzi and reporters, camera lights flashing from every direction. Before coming out Daisuke had put on shaded glasses as his guards were pushing their way through to get Daisuke to his car.

"Mr, Suzuki! How is your father going to react being this way?!" They practically had to shout since Everyone was yelling out his name. "All this time, were you pretending to be a nice guy?!"

"Get back!"

His security guards pushed female and males as they were almost getting close. "In just a matter of minutes, headlines are calling you little to nothing. Mr Suzuki, how do you respond?!" He reached up to his face only fixing his glasses as they finally reached his car opening the door instantly shutting it when he got inside. He sighed taking off his glasses seeing outside mobs of people wanting to ask him questions, not that they could see inside anyway. The windows were shaded as Daisuke could finally relax.

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