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an//: everyone who read this small note PLZ COMMENT I NEED UR OPINION!!! ok ok so should i add antonio into the story to add more drama and stuff or just keep him out??? idek :D anyways enjoy

George and Dream lay together, tangled in each others arm's. They were watching an anime Sapnap chose for them to all watch. Death note. He said that 'it was about someone being able to kill people by writing in a book and people tried to find him and shit'. He sucks at explaining things. 

The three guys all sat quietly, being interested in the show. While focusing his eyes to the screen, George heard Dream start to laugh. Not loud laughs, but loud enough for George to hear.

George turns to look at Dream. "What's so funny?" he ask chuckling along. Dream looked up from his phone quickly, eyes darting around the room, ending up back on George. He began to speak.

"Oh, uhm..."  he stammered. "Antonio just said something funny." the blonde says, bringing his phone up closer to his face. 

George cocked his head. "You have his number?"

"Yeah, he asked me or it last night before we left. He said since he also plays guitar and sings he could help me with a few stuff." Dream said quickly, beaming. 

'Oh', George thought to himself, wondering if Antonio was trying to- 'no. He couldn't. He saw us kiss and he KNOWS were dating' he tried to convince himself. He snapped himself out of his thoughts and just nodded long to Dream, turning back to the show. He felt Sapnap giving him a look, but George ignored it. 

Without knowing, Georges leg started to shake, bouncing up and down. Heel tapping the floor. Dream took note and he scooted over to George. His placed his hand on the brunettes thigh and started to slowly rub his hand him and down his pale skin, comforting George. 

The smaller male looked up at his boyfriend and smiled. 'Maybe everything will be just fine'.


That night George slept alone. He lay in bed with the absence of Dream snuggling up close to him. Holding him. Feeling this, George woke up. The brunette grabbed his phone and checked the time. 2:38 AM. He sat up in bed to Dream sitting on a stool, guitar in hands. He was playing a new tune George hadn't heard before.

"Dream?" Georges asked, rubbing his eyes. Dream instantly turned to him. "What are you doing up at-" George glanced back at his phone, to tired to remember the time again. "-2:38 AM? You should be sleeping  baby." He saw Dream turn back to his guitar, strumming softly. 

"I'm sorry Georgie, but Antonio told me I should learn more difficult chords on the guitar, to help me learn better. And to write more songs for you." Dream said as he looked to George and smiled. George cringed at the mention of Antonio's name, deciding to ignore it. 

George blushed, pink over shadowing his face. "I know Dream, and that's great! But you need sleep." He made grabby hands, as a joke, to Dream, the blonde laughing. 

"And I know that George," the blonde said, mimicking George. "But Antonio told me he would stop by here tomorrow to help me more. And I don't want to be unprepared." 

That was it for George. He couldn't stand Antonio anymore. Something inside of him snapped, causing him to go auto-pilot.

George groaned loud enough for Dream to hear. The blonde looked at George with a confused face. "What is it?" he asked, being soft for his boyfriend. 

"Ever since Antonio came into your life he's all you focused on! We were watching a show and CUDDLING together and you were texting Antonio the whole time." George yelled at dream. Whenever he mention his name he said it with a tone. Infused with poison. "YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR MIND CLEAR OF HIM FOR AN HOUR CLAY!!!" 

Dream was in shock. George never said his real name. "Well George... I- I finally found something that I'm passionate about and you can't even see that? Antonio is only helping me with music and nothing else. Calm down George." Dream finished his 'speech' looking down at his guitar, chuckling.

"Calm down..." George spoke. "CALM DOWN?  You expect me to be CALM when my boyfriend, my SOULMATE, spends his days 24/7 doing stuff for some guy he met less than 24 hours ago?! You GOT UP AT 2 AM TO PRACTICE GUITAR FOR HIM. FOR ANTONIO. Instead of being  in bed with me, Clay, you want to impress some random guy with your guitar." George said sternly, screaming in Dream's face. Tears filed his eyes, waiting to spill out.

Dream stood up out of his stool and walked to George. "What is WRONG with you George? I tell you that I'm doing someone that I enjoy and you have the audacity to say that I don't even LOVE you?" Now it was Dream's turn to yell. This got George out of his seat, ready to fight back, yet scared to be yelled at.

"I never said that Dream. Look, I'm sorry for what I've said before, I'm just mad. But I just don't get why you have to try so hard for him. Why do you have to get out of bed with your BOYFRIEND", George pointed to himself, yelling. "JUST TO IMPRESS SOMEONE WITH YOUR GUITAR? Sometimes, I feel that you put your music before some more important things Clay."

George was now acting shy, after just yelling. He grasped onto his elbows with both of his hands, scared to look at Dream.

"Maybe I do." Dream spoke up, after a painful silence. 


The blonde shuffled around, angry with George. His hands grasping onto his hair. His eyes were filled with rage. His beautiful smile was dead, washed away from his mouth. He looked... well... absolutely terrifying. Nothing could stop him from what he was about to say next

"Maybe music is more important to me than you are George." 

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