Cap 1 A Problem

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-Remember Mog you are not allowed to fall in love until you are 15.- Said Jupiter

- Jupiter!! You can't go and said to every people you see!  But that won't be a problem- replaid Morrigan
(after that she went to sleep)

(the next day having breakfast with Jack and Jupiter )

- Pass me the salt please - Said Morrigan

- The what?- Jack replied.

-You're deaf or like?- said Morrigan

- I' m not going to pass you the salt you have hands- Replied Jack

- Guys! Keep calm please- Jupiter passed the salt to Morrigan an Morrigan  throw the salt to Jack

- Guys!! Stop you are making me feel like an adult.-replied jupiter. (this one is part of the first book)

(Then just for a moment Morrigan felt bad for the words of her patron and...)

- I don't even know how do you think she can ho threw the trials uncle- Said Jack pointing at her with the spoon

- She don't even have a knack- Add Jack

(In that moment Jack realised what had he done, and saw  Morrigan running upstairs to her room)

-Greate Jhon- Said Jupiter with sarcasm- You know whats her knack. So please don't ever do that again.- Jupiter  ran after Morrigan

**I know is short but its my first book, tell me if you like it, Please**

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