imsebastianstan last night after two weeks in Italy with my girlfriend y/n1982 we both fly back to new york tomorrow as y/n is going to spend some time in the city i love most and i hope the city and the people show her the love she deserves.

tagged y/n1982

liked by AntonyMackie ScarJohanson ElizabethOlsen_ ChrisEvans RussoBrothers ChrisHemsworth + 3,456 people

AnthonyMackie yesss sexy seabass is back and about time y/n is the bomb

ScarJohanson yes dose this mean y/n will answer my texts again

y/n1982 yes scar sorry you know i love you xx

ScarJohanson your forgiven but only cause i know you love me more then seb

y/n1982 you know it scar

user1 i am shipping y/n and scar

user2 yes us true new yorkers will show you the love y/n

user4 seabass is back oh how i missed your posts

ChrisEvans yes i can finally meet y/n

user5  nope i dont like it how dare she take my seb


Y/N1982 had the best 2 weeks ever with this sexy beast of a man

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Y/N1982 had the best 2 weeks ever with this sexy beast of a man. Was the best surprise ever. And yes world throw me your hate Sebstian Stan is my boyfriend and i dont plan on letting him go ever again

tagged imsebastianstan

like by imsebastianstan AnthonyMackie Chloe33 +1,230 people

Chloe33 what am i chopped liver i been there too did i not make it a good holiday

AnthonyMackie was thinking the same Chloe33 its like we did not even turn up

user1 they all went on holiday together

user2 WTF your with Sebastian i though he was back with Alex

JoJo31 wow y/n congrats

y/n1982 thank s jo how long has it been seen we last saw each other

imsebastianstan dont plan on letting you go this time just me and you xx

user3 OMG how cute love it 

The next morning we are all at the airport. '' are you sure you dont mind flying home on your own chloe'' she laughs '' mmm i am 35 years old i am sure i can manage flying on my own'' I hold my hands up in surrender at her sarcastic comment. '' ok ok i get it your a big girl'' we give each other a hug and Chloe walks to her gate as her plane is boarding now and ours is in about 15 minutes.

''So we are flying first class trans Atlantic its a whole new world y/n wait to be wowed'' Mackie says as he slings his arm around my shoulder. Sebastian pulls me from Mackie '' get your hands off my girl jerk'' we walk to our gate with Sebastian pressed up behind me with his arms around my waist took a bit to get our steps in time but we managed it. we board our plane and we go upstairs to the first class '' wow'' is all i could say

text to chloe

y/n first class bitches

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

y/n first class bitches

Chloe oooo mrs fancy pants

Chloe have fun stay safe phone me once you are settled

y/n will do love you 

right i take a deep breath i fasten my seat belt and look a seb. He reaches over and brushes my hair off my face. '' are you ready baby'' i look at him confused '' ready for what '' ready for my world ready for the first day of me and you just me and you'' i lean in and kiss him '' i am ready bring it on''

Sebastian summer in EnglandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang