Part 1

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Y/N is a single 38 year old women. been married before but he was an arsehole she only found that out after 15 years. Her and her friend chloe run her the sunset hotel and attached pub. Chloe has got her knickers in a twist cause the  hotel has been fully booked for the next 6 months by a film crew. But not just any film crew only the one and only MCU filming a new series ( i am in love with all things marvel ) so of course when chloe asked if we could do the booking i was like HELL YESSSSSSS.'

'' Chloe will you sit your arse down for one min and chill. We got a few hours till they are all due everything is done and sorted. Sit  down and fucking breath before you pass out''

''y/n you dont understand since Jo left me ( her dipshit cheating ex)  i have not cared about this place left it all to you. i want to prove to myself i can do this without him''

'' Chloe in the nicest possible way sit down and shut  up. the hotel looks brill our staff are fantastic and you have got me who if i must say so myself i am fan-fucking-tastic and you dont need to prove shit to anyone''

Chloe sat down and laughed for the first time in seem liked days. I signaled molly who works behind the lounge bar to make us both a coffee.

While we sat there i started thinking about which cast members will be here. wondering who will be staying here . Mmmmmm would not mind Sebastian Stan deffo the reason i have watched the winter solider about a thousand times not that i will ever admit that to anyone.

Just then mine and chloes buzzer attached to our hips went off. looking down at the screen it informed us Jane at the front desk need us. With a groan Chloe got up and dragged me along with her.

'' Chloe will you stop bloody dragging me''

'' then move your fat ass and hurry up you know how bitchy Jane gets if we make her wait'' 

Just as we round the corner to the front desk. I shout in my loudest voice i got .

'' I have you know i got a fantastic ass thank you plenty to grab or give a right kinky slap to''

Giggling to myself i look up to be faced with grins of the Russo brothers, Anthony mackie and yes the one and only Sebastian fucking Stan.

Shoot me now. 

thank you guys for reading the first part sorry its short but just wanted to set the story up and give you a feel for the y/n character

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